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    Forums vs Social Networks?


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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by JazeonX August 11th 2012, 2:24 pm

    First topic message reminder :

    If you've noticed people uses social networks instead of forums now a days.

    Do you think forums will not be anymore needed knowing social networks can create forums and other pages through applications?
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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by JennyorAlice March 8th 2013, 2:46 am

    I think forums are completely different from social networking such as Facebook & Myspace. Facebook & Myspace are more catered around an individual and that individual's life. A forum you can set up to discuss anything you want. Like my forum, which allows people to come together and discuss a certain book series. The forum I created through Forumotion has nothing to do with me or my life, but what I create on Facebook & Myspace is about me personally.

    I happen to agree with what runawayhorses said earlier. I think there will always be a place for forums because each generation has their own thing. They won't want to take part in the same things their parents did.

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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by SLGray March 8th 2013, 5:18 am

    The main difference:

    Social Networks does not really allow in-depth discussions. They are really for quick updates, like "Yes, I will be going to see that movie tonight."

    Forums do allow in-depth discussions, like an essay about a certain movie.

    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Slgray10

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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by JAP1st March 8th 2013, 11:17 pm

    I don't really know much about either since I don't have any participation in social networks and I've only been on a few forums, but I think they're different. For me, social networks are for chitchat and public appearance whereas forums are better for closed groups and more specific topics which would be a mess to discuss through emails.
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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by kimjoh560 March 11th 2013, 10:10 pm

    Ugh, no. Not facebook. I want to be anonymous and facebook doesn't really allow that to my knowledge.
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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by JennyorAlice March 11th 2013, 11:12 pm

    SLGray wrote:The main difference:

    Social Networks does not really allow in-depth discussions. They are really for quick updates, like "Yes, I will be going to see that movie tonight."

    Forums do allow in-depth discussions, like an essay about a certain movie.

    I agree. Forums allow people to dive more deeply into a discussion about whatever topic they are discussing. That's why I prefer forums over social networking sites because I like getting into discussions.

    JAP1st wrote:I don't really know much about either since I don't have any participation in social networks and I've only been on a few forums, but I think they're different. For me, social networks are for chitchat and public appearance whereas forums are better for closed groups and more specific topics which would be a mess to discuss through emails.

    I think it's kind of a mess having in-depth discussions about any topic using anything other than a forum.

    kimjoh560 wrote:Ugh, no. Not facebook. I want to be anonymous and facebook doesn't really allow that to my knowledge.

    Even if you like to remain anonymous, you could still use Facebook or Twitter to advertize your forum. You can use them for that purpose but not give away anything about yourself.

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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by runawayhorses March 12th 2013, 8:26 am

    Bazinga! wrote:Even if you like to remain anonymous, you could still use Facebook or Twitter to advertize your forum. You can use them for that purpose but not give away anything about yourself.
    Absolutely right, I don't know where people get the idea they must register with there REAL name and home address in order to use facebook. I use facebook and twitter to promote my fansite (not forum) and to give my members an avenue to keep up with the site and its updates. That facebook account in no way shows my name or any other personal information about me, it is what facebook refers to as a "Fanpage" which you can create if you have an already existing main facebook account, you simple add a "fanpage" to your account and its a completely different facebook page that you control, you can click back and forth between accounts. But even your main facebook account need not be registered in your real name, or with any other real information with the exception of an email address, which you will need to provide a real one in order to activate your account if I remember correctly.

    I would never consider having my real personal information displayed on facebook like so many people seem to do, there are too many strange and dangerous people in the world to go publicly telling them everything about yourself, I just don't understand why seemingly intelligent and well informed people would choose to do that. It seems to me to be extremely recklessly to put all that info out there, and in my opinion labels you as technically illiterate to the internet.

    The "fanpage" is just a word they use that can mean many things, it could be your business you run or a personal website and everything in between.
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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by nathdixon92 March 18th 2013, 6:43 pm

    I tend to use forums more recreationally as opposed to talk about something I'm interested in, i.e. role play writing.

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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by Asriel April 17th 2013, 9:47 am

    While social networks like Twitter and Facebook and many others are popular, I don't think forums will ever die. Here's why:
    (These are just my opinions)

    1. Gaming Community, like (X-Box, PlayStation, etc..) have many people who play games like Call of Duty, war games, etc...(As you can tell I am not a gamer) They will need a place to post all the cheats and codes, unlockables and many other things they win thorough the games. I don't think you can post that much on Facebook or Twitter or whatever. They cannot gather members as fast or as easy as forums.
    2. RPG sites need place to role-play. You can't RPG on facebook or Twitter. Forums are the best places for that to do.
    3. Many other tip related and other online communities will always rely on forums to share information which cannot be shared on any other networks.
    Also, these days you can incorporate gadgets like FB and Twitter on many other sites, including forums. So, that means that you don't even have to get on FB that often to be connected.

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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by puppycheese April 17th 2013, 3:56 pm

    You have a good point but their are different group crowds that like forums and theirs a whole other crowd for social networks. In my opinion forums are more fun then social networks to be on. I am currently in progress of making a social network/Forums network. I am combining key features that I see on popular social networks and are combining that with popular forums ideas. I made the forums pretty general so we have categories about generally everything and add new ones all the time to our network. In my opinion a social network and forums are both good Ideas and fun to be on why not combine them together. I'm pretty excited to see how this goes. :wouhou:
    JazeonX wrote:If you've noticed people uses social networks instead of forums now a days.

    Do you think forums will not be anymore needed knowing social networks can create forums and other pages through applications?

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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by runawayhorses April 17th 2013, 5:26 pm

    People like social networks like facebook and twitter because they have a bigger audience.

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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by Derri April 17th 2013, 7:34 pm

    I don't see the point in a forum having a small target audience. To me facebook groups work as effective as a forum does. For example my gaming group use a facebook group, we can post youtube videos, comment and reply and its easy and simple, takes three clicks to set up a facebook group and you don't have to worry about design or anything.

    Plus facebook has more useful features than many forums do and nearly everyone have facebook, so when you meet someone or are friends with someone you just ask them to look you up and after 15 mins of searching its easy.

    Forums on the other hand you need to have a longtime to invest in a forum and it costs a lot for a really good forum such as Vbulletin and then hosting. I do really like forumotion and how useful it is for simple forums but useful features such as disabling post count and other things does matter to me to an extent. Plus I don't have much flexibility with my forum, you can't move around to different hosts or move when your forum grows to big for forumotion.

    Like I said I love the forumotion community but I've known forums to outgrow forumotion and have therefore had to move painfully. But I digress, forums do have a lot of advantages in itself and Forumotion does provide an excellent service and support and I love using their forums.


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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by runawayhorses April 17th 2013, 8:31 pm

    Well the bottom line is, and we might as well face it, forums are a dying breed, but I think for the most part will survive in the shadows. Talk about designing, designing a web page or forum manually with raw CSS codes and HTML like you do with these forums are a thing of the past, its becoming outdated and obsolete to do it that way anymore. No one does it like that anymore if they can help it, people use advanced page editor software that functions by point and click. You want something placed on the right-hand side you choose what it is you want and drag it into place, the program does all the coding work for you that you never see to make that happen. You don't need to code anymore because the programs do it for you now days, you just tell it what you want and it does it.

    Now its great to learn html and CSS because there are times when you need to do some manual things yourself and its good to know how, but for the most part the latest website and forum hosts use advanced site editors. You need not concern yourself with the CSS stylesheets or templates anymore with the new updated servers using the software. The Admin panel on forumotion looks and functions like a dinosaur from the Triassic period compared to a good site editor.

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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by Derri April 17th 2013, 10:08 pm

    I agree with you Runawayhorse because honestly, Forum hosts are used by people who don't know much or know little CSS and HTML and these new Forum hosts are getting a lot of business because they've upgraded to the option of making it a "point and click" system with little knowledge or requirements of HTML or CSS.

    Now its true forumotion meets the requirements of a forum host, you can get a forum without any knowledge of CSS or HTML but its very very very and when we compare to the latest and greatest of ease site and forumotion creation it doesn't compare.

    However the service, help and support is amazing and with time and dedication you can make an excellent forum its just more effort when comparing to newer forum hosts.

    If I'm creating something now, I'm more open to facebook groups for smaller projects and forums.
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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by conan@10 April 18th 2013, 4:55 am

    My forum is 258 members. but these members have inactive people groar

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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by puppycheese April 18th 2013, 6:11 am

    I just started mine and it has 25 but I need more active ones on my forums. Smile

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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by runawayhorses April 18th 2013, 6:15 am

    conan@10 wrote:My forum is 258 members. but these members have inactive people groar
    Oh yeah, I have over 6,000 subscribers on youtube that post on the videos daily, and some follow us on facebook and twitter.

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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by puppycheese April 19th 2013, 3:07 am

    Wow that is very impressive I admire that rock

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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by runawayhorses April 19th 2013, 4:52 am

    Thank you, it took a lot of work and time but I enjoy it. Smile
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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Connect Facebook with forum

    Post by prince88 April 26th 2013, 5:23 am

    i have a problem to link my facebook with my forum any helps?

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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by Jophy April 26th 2013, 5:24 am

    prince88 wrote:i have a problem to link my facebook with my forum any helps?
    Hello, Questions should be posted on the support section, thanks Smile
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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by 4ndy May 6th 2013, 5:22 am

    I kinda spent far too much of my teenage years on forums Neutral, so I think I can understand where you're coming from on social networks replacing them to some extent. I think global social networks are going to keep being used for people to meet like-minded others, but their format tends to make it difficult for in-depth meaningful discussions to take place.
    Some of the strongest domains of forums will probably remain in people wanting to discuss around a very deep shared interest (that function has been hugely augmented in recent years by the emergence of fan wiki's) and in quickly organising international projects. I've had many good times participating and moderating in several places in recent years on both counts, while I've watched as people try to emulate those functions on things like facebook pages and quite often... it ain't pretty.

    Facebook has started dying a slow death, but it's not just down teens to wanting to escape their parents' gaze. There are activists of all sorts jumping the fb ship in droves just now, as they realise just how much they are, frankly, getting shafted in terms of privacy (and I don't just mean fb's 'real customers' mining people's data for marketing, but well-meaning protesters etc. getting their every word viewable by cops due to the cushy relationships fb has with police states), and heading instead to places like Diaspora and Friendica (open-source distributed social networks).

    Forums are still quite ubiquitous today, even a 'standard feature' you may expect to see on the title bar of any topical website (I don't count corporate product support forums because... yeuch). I really don't see them going away any time soon, so long as people have a need for very long-term discussion threads.
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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by Captain Hunk May 7th 2013, 4:38 pm

    Forums will stand the test of time. Social networks have the same life expectancy of a mobile device. That conveniently short. Laughing

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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by socialize May 15th 2013, 2:15 am

    Social network forums don't have full features as forums networks. Many networks have their own website and create a forum website as well for the full and great features as forums today. We all know everyone changes, ya i can see forums dying very slow. but improving significantly you got to admit. Again Social networks are for family and friends with heir own features. forums are for like games and socializing with people over the web. In conclusion, I like forums more because I don't have the time to code or pay for that networking tools.
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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by Donnyosborn May 15th 2013, 7:09 pm

    I like the classic layout of a forum more
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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by jezda034 June 6th 2013, 9:42 am

    forum is better for owners...but sn-a are easyer for people...
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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by simojohn258 June 8th 2013, 11:45 am

    runawayhorses wrote:I think there will always be a place for forums, and I think they will get more popular again when the social networks start to die. Even facebook won't stay on top forever, they are already starting to notice a decline in popularity. The reason is BECAUSE of its popularity, the younger generation likes to be different and not socialize in the same places there parents do, so more and more they are looking to other places to socialize other than facebook. Facebook is becoming "uncool" to some younger people because its popular with adults. This pattern will continue until eventually Facebook will become another MySpace type failure. All of these social networks are a fad and short-lived. Although forums survive because they are personalized.

    Facebook took MySpace's idea and ran with it, creating more socializing options than MySpace and better promotion was MySpace's demise. Although they are still managing to stay online. Facebook is not as good as MySpace when it comes to being able to design your own page, not even close.

    I think website designers enjoyed MySpace far better than Facebook, because you could be more creative with the design of your page, as Facebook you are extremely limited to what you can do with the design, and in effect all facebook pages look the same as the next. But the facebook owners insist that it be that way, they don't want people to be creative, they want all there pages to look the same and very much alike. They do however allow you to change a header (oh wow!). They probably don't even like that but permit it to give members the illusion they have control over there page. They want it that way so it will always look professional and conformed when you visit a Facebook page. They want there to be no mistaking people are on a facebook site and they own it. They don't want your creativity, they want you to click on there ads.
    i agree with you and i love to use both forums and social sites. I want join these sites to get more information and share our views so i enjoying .
    Jingles Magic
    Jingles Magic

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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by Jingles Magic June 8th 2013, 10:03 pm

    Forums sadly are dying out, but I think a link is starting to bond between forums and social networks. If this continues to build, both could be popular and forums could even experience a boost. People just have to try forums out!

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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by luiz187 June 9th 2013, 8:49 am

    That's why we update forumotion forums, to catch up and not be so behind and unfortunately forumotion mobile version still is bad and Facebooks isn't, other reason we are lacking popularity. And i think it should be possible for us to make an app for our forums or a forumotion app.
    Jingles Magic
    Jingles Magic

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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by Jingles Magic June 9th 2013, 1:07 pm

    luiz187 wrote:That's why we update forumotion forums, to catch up and not be so behind and unfortunately forumotion mobile version still is bad and Facebooks isn't, other reason we are lacking popularity. And i think it should be possible for us to make an app for our forums or a forumotion app.
    I actually really like the mobile forumotion! However, I wish we could customize it like we customize the desktop version.
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    Forums vs Social Networks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Forums vs Social Networks?

    Post by AngiRique June 9th 2013, 1:11 pm

    I think forums are better than social network like facebook - more private and I think they'll be around a long time ♥