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Domain Name Transfer

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Domain Name Transfer Empty Domain Name Transfer

Post by Shadow Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:23 am

Domain Name Transfer
Dear members,

It is possible to have a custom domain name. Please read this tutorial for more information: Have a custom Domain

However, once your domain name has been bought or offered through Forumotion it is not possible to transfer the Domain Name to another registar.
Domains purchased via Forumotion are dedicated only to Forumotion forums.

Moreover, transferring domain name causes many problems like:

  • It may create duplicate contents, which cancel your referencing. Loss of the SEO also
  • Loss of redirection on the base URL of your forum
  • Loss of Custom email boxes

By consequences,Forumotion has decided to stop the process. If you want to transfer your domain name to another registrar, you have to wait until the end of the domain will expire (one year from purchase date).

Once the domain name has expired, there is still a waiting time before the domain name be available. This waiting time doesn't depend on our service but on Godaddy service. (Over 60days)

After the waiting time, you'll be able to buy the domain name.

Thanks for your understanding


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