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Auto Follow Groups for Banned user

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Auto Follow Groups for Banned user Empty Auto Follow Groups for Banned user

Post by cupcup December 15th 2014, 9:57 am

Hello everyone, how to make auto follow / subscribe groups for banned user
i mean, if user get banned, automatic he get banned rank
i have make banned rank on ACP, then how its work

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Auto Follow Groups for Banned user Empty Re: Auto Follow Groups for Banned user

Post by Guest December 15th 2014, 1:38 pm

Morning cupcup,
At this time, there is no way to set the rank to automatically change when they are banned. There is a way to change the rank automatically through post count but as for a banned rank, that has to be done manually just like all the other special ranks & staff ranks. However, you can always suggest this to the community to hopefully have it added in the future!

Hope this helps!


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