by inallsorts January 1st 2015, 12:27 pm
Enter this In the JavaScript code management (select "In all the topics):
- Code:
$(function() {
          var posts_per_page = 20; //number of posts you have displayed per page in topics.
          var page = document.title.match(/-\sPage\s(\d+)$/), page = page ? page[1] : 1;
          var posts = $('.postprofile', document.getElementById('main-content')), postnum = (page - 1) * posts_per_page;
          for(var i = 0; i < posts_per_page; i++) {
             if(!posts[i]) break;
             var link = posts[i].previousSibling.getElementsByTagName('h2')[0].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href;
             posts[i].innerHTML = '<span class="postnumber"><a href="' + link + '">#' + ++postnum + '</a></span>' + posts[i].innerHTML;
Adjust the "var posts_per_page = 20", with the amount of posts per page on your forum.
Then enter this In the CSS:
- Code:
 .postnumber {
         font-size: 1.2em;
Adjust the "float:right" as per your forum's profile position. If It's on the left, enter "float:left".