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Choosing A Founder Replacement If You Pass Away

Yes, I have read all that, which lead me to OP seeking clarification.

There would be an agreement between the original founder (me) and new founder to take over, but it's only if I pass away unexpectedly. Therefore I would not be able to change the email on the forum/founder tools or give them the password. Is saying as much on a public topic on our forum showing our agreement between him and me enough for forumotion to uphold it? Or does it defer to #2 or #3 options, with a 6-month waiting period - and more importantly - other admins/members having to vote who gets the Founder powers? I do not want to leave a power vacuum in my wake, I want to have a smooth transition enforced when I name the successor of the forum.

Lastly, in this process, does the new founder have to take over / change my actual account, so all my posts are now under their new name? There is no way to transfer the Founder powers to their account or a brand new account so that my original founder account remains intact? Or it just gets wiped away like I never existed?

Thanks again!
by AnyColor
on February 12th 2023, 9:19 pm
Search in: Other Problems Archives
Topic: Choosing A Founder Replacement If You Pass Away
Replies: 7
Views: 510

NJ Strong Weather Banner/Header

Good morning

Sorry for not correctly following instructions.

I am looking for 3 banners.

Banner [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (all season theme)
Size: 800x200
Text: NJ Strong Weather
Text Color: Dark green
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Banner [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (Fall season theme)
Size: 800x200
Text: NJ Strong Weather
Text Color: Dark Orange
Images: (you do not need to use all of these but feel free to)
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Banner [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (Spring season theme)
Size: 800x200
Text: NJ Strong Weather
Text Color: Yellow or Purple
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

I will let the creator choose their own Font. Is this better/clearer? Below is the current banner on my forum. It is quite messy.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

by Frank_Wx
on September 28th 2021, 2:27 pm
Search in: Completed Graphic Requests
Topic: NJ Strong Weather Banner/Header
Replies: 10
Views: 918

How to see "the members post" in topic

Forum version : #phpBB2
Position : Founder
Concerned browser(s) : Google Chrome
Who the problem concerns : Yourself
Forum link :

- - - - - - - - -

Scenario 1

There is a novel, subject publisher, name A (#1, user_id=20)
A In the same topic (t00001-topic), and publish chapters #2, #3, #4, #5....

Some people saw A's novel and liked it very much, so reply to the message to support #6, #7, #8

And A continues to publish his novel #9, #10, #11

However, there are other people who don't like to see other people's posts in the topic (t00001-topic), but only want to see the author's post (user_id=20)).

At this time, they need to have a button.

After clicking, they can only see the posts of the author (user_id=20), not everyone’s posts, and they don’t need to jump to page2, page3, page4...

(Of course, click the button again, the post will return to normal, and everyone's replies will be visible)

Scenario 2
At the top of everyone’s post, you can have a "button"

- - - - - - - - -
I think it might be necessary to extract the ID from the theme, create a button and link the member ID?
Because each member has an ID when registering (for example: u12345, u23456, u34567...)
But I don’t have any relevant foundation for this part. I need professional advice from you. Thank you very much.

Topics tagged under 3 on The forum of the forums Iau10

Topics tagged under 3 on The forum of the forums Osi10

by Winging
on June 30th 2021, 10:27 am
Search in: Other Problems Archives
Topic: How to see "the members post" in topic
Replies: 6
Views: 1427

New function for only show the author's posts

Winging wrote:Hi @nina81331

I'm a user from Taiwan,too~

I very much agree with your "just look at the author"
I have also asked about it, and I have made an explanatory diagram to ask, but I did not find a good idea to solve it.

And,I learn this for #1,#,2,#3;you can eference Topics tagged under 3 on The forum of the forums 1f600

Thank you for providing the tutorial and the perfect picture!
I have revised it. Very Happy

by nina81331
on September 3rd 2020, 6:08 pm
Search in: Suggestions for Your Forums
Topic: New function for only show the author's posts
Replies: 7
Views: 1477

New function for only show the author's posts

Hi @nina81331

I'm a user from Taiwan,too~

I very much agree with your "just look at the author"
I have also asked about it, and I have made an explanatory diagram to ask, but I did not find a good idea to solve it.

And,I learn this for #1,#,2,#3;you can eference Topics tagged under 3 on The forum of the forums 1f600

Topics tagged under 3 on The forum of the forums Iau10
by Winging
on September 3rd 2020, 5:21 am
Search in: Suggestions for Your Forums
Topic: New function for only show the author's posts
Replies: 7
Views: 1477

Zeo Activity Points Forum Issues

SLGray wrote:1.   There is not a default option for this.
2.   Are you having issues with ads and the domain name?  If no, then why are you bringing this up.
3.   We have to wait until we get word from the head office (France).
4.   What do you exactly mean by this?
5.   There is no difference in how forums are treated.  When you purchase a package, you are paying for optional features that are not required to have a forum hosted by Forumotion.
6.    Purchases and Refunds -

Thanks for answering so promptly.

#1 - Thats too bad. It would be nice to know so we could understand what we need to do.

#2 - I asked because earlier you stated "You are not paying to use a forum hosted by Forumotion." I guess I don't really understand pricing.
#3 - OK, thanks

#4 - The custom domain URL is now linking to the portal sometimes, and the forum other times.

#5 - Wish I knew the about the upcoming restrictive "activity" policy before I pre-paid for a year of ad blockage and domain.

#6 - Thanks for the link - I couldnt find it earlier. Looks like I'm out of luck.

I guess I know all I need to know to decide what to do. Thanks
by ptgguy
on November 15th 2019, 4:05 am
Search in: Other Problems Archives
Topic: Zeo Activity Points Forum Issues
Replies: 70
Views: 3736

Zeo Activity Points Forum Issues

Admin help, please ...

Yes - I'm not here to cause static or give admins and mods greif - I'm just looking for information so I can figure things out. I just can't seem to get an answer for a few questions about this. I don't know where else to ask.

So ... this is a new issue to me, this making my forum essentially non-working because of low activity points.  (I Still don't know how many "activity points" are needed to resolve this. Question #1)

My problem ..
I have already pre-paid forumotion to have ads removed up to September 2020.
Also I have pre-paid forumotion for the custom domain name through September 2020.

My forum is now totally usless because portal does not direct to forum or vice-versa, among other issues, because of low "activity points"  
(Catch 22 - forum messed up because of low "activity". Low activity because forum messed up.)

Question #1 - (I've looked in the rules
But I don't seem to find anything about this - maybe I missed something).
Can anyone tell me where can I find out exactly how many views per day/week/month or posts per day/week/month we need to keep the integrity of our forum intact?

Question #2 - I have been here paying for over 10 years - paying for ad removal is paying to forumotion, isn't it?

Question #3 - Is this new no activity policy the reason why now, in addition to the widget problem, I can set the forum to view either the Portal or the Forum, but not both?

Question #4 - Is this new no activity policy somehow screwing with the custom domain linkage?

Question #5 - Is paying money to forumotion for ad blockage and domain name not taken into consideration before deliberately screwing up the forum because of low activity points?

Question #6 - Since I have already pre-paid for a year of ad blockage and domain mame before this new policy was implemented, is there a refund policy about this? And where do I ask about a refund?

Thank you for any answers.
by ptgguy
on November 15th 2019, 2:51 am
Search in: Other Problems Archives
Topic: Zeo Activity Points Forum Issues
Replies: 70
Views: 3736

Coding Spot (FM-Coding Support)

Theme #3 is released. Preview and download link is up: Click here!
For Theme #2, I will release an update as some of the functionalities might not work due to it being outdated.

Thank you to all the people who became part of this community! Smile
by E-Mark
on July 9th 2018, 4:43 am
Search in: Forum Services
Topic: Coding Spot (FM-Coding Support)
Replies: 56
Views: 11732

Forumotion packages probably is broken

Technical Details

Forum version : #phpBB3
Position : Founder
Concerned browser(s) : Google Chrome
Screenshot of problem :
Who the problem concerns : Yourself
Forum link : ( link is hidden, you must reply to see )

Description of problem

I have problem with forumotion packages. I think it's broken or something else, because it looks like on screen #1 and screen #2. Screen #3 shows forumotion packages on my another forum. I see difference between my forums. Both has phpbb3 and they're very similar, so I think that one of my forum has broken this menu. But I am not sure.
by Sawn
on April 11th 2018, 5:40 pm
Search in: Credits, SSL Certificate & Domain Names Problems Archives
Topic: Forumotion packages probably is broken
Replies: 4
Views: 1392

Happy birthday Luffy!

Happy birthday Guzzle Party

It will be a coincidence that 3 team members make years this month
#1 @Ape
#2 @SLGray
#3 @Luffy
who next?
by tikky
on March 25th 2018, 8:54 pm
Search in: Garbage
Topic: Happy birthday Luffy!
Replies: 18
Views: 1433

How regular is the Back up being done and do you know when the next back up is scheduled?

Hello and happy holidays to you to.

Yes i can help here.
we have 3 lots of backups
1, every day our end (office use only)
2, every 7 days for (server cleaning)
3 14 days (Admin tools)

how this works:
if our system went down then #1 comes in to play this is so we can make sure all your data is not lost when the sites come back online.

Now and then we need to do work on some servers so we make a backup of your forum to the date of every 7 days this is then used if we do a update to our system or any other part of the sites tools and layout.
so if say we have a new update and it comes live it will show on your tools that's when #2 comes in to play

Now #3 well this is the dates that our system will make a backup for you to fix problems on your site.
some times if there is a problem and the date you want to backdate it to is not showing you can ask a staff member to ask the head office to do a backup for you but this can only be done Monday to Fridays 8am to 5pm French time as the office is closed after 5pm

But note not all the time can we do a full tools backup on the 14th day so it may show at a later date or just before.

I hope that helps a little on how our system works.

by Ape
on December 28th 2016, 11:27 am
Search in: Other Problems Archives
Topic: How regular is the Back up being done and do you know when the next back up is scheduled?
Replies: 4
Views: 1880

Christmas banner contest

Ghost Pirate wrote:#1 Banner

Topics tagged under 3 on The forum of the forums Untitl11

#2 Banner

Topics tagged under 3 on The forum of the forums Untitl11

#3 Banner

Topics tagged under 3 on The forum of the forums Untitl12

Very good work @Ghost Pirate i love the mouse on the first one it's so so cute
by Ape
on December 16th 2016, 2:00 am
Search in: Updates and new features
Topic: Christmas banner contest
Replies: 55
Views: 9903

Christmas banner contest

Ghost Pirate wrote:#1 Banner  

Topics tagged under 3 on The forum of the forums Untitl11

#2 Banner

Topics tagged under 3 on The forum of the forums Untitl11

#3 Banner

Topics tagged under 3 on The forum of the forums Untitl12

Great job on the banners!
by SLGray
on December 15th 2016, 10:44 pm
Search in: Updates and new features
Topic: Christmas banner contest
Replies: 55
Views: 9903

Christmas banner contest

#1 Banner

Topics tagged under 3 on The forum of the forums Untitl11

#2 Banner

Topics tagged under 3 on The forum of the forums Untitl11

#3 Banner

Topics tagged under 3 on The forum of the forums Untitl12
by Whistler
on December 15th 2016, 10:39 pm
Search in: Updates and new features
Topic: Christmas banner contest
Replies: 55
Views: 9903

Three questions here, for flash, banned player status, and action icon changes

Question Number #1
How does one upload their flash to their own forums rather than use url from a different website?
A permanent upload rather than a temporary url that expires over time.

Question Number #2
How does one edit the forums edit features?
Topics tagged under 3 on The forum of the forums Featur10
Changing each button's own icon.

Question Number #3
How does one add make a banned player status?
by Dr.Kran
on September 12th 2016, 4:05 pm
Search in: Garbage
Topic: Three questions here, for flash, banned player status, and action icon changes
Replies: 1
Views: 1489

Multiple Banner Creations

Dark Sparrow wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Thanks so much for your effort, however, if I had to say anything do you think for image [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] for the left side of the banners could you simplify the background on them just a bit? I think the simpler they look, the better they are. They are sort of busy, in my opinion at least, but I like for banner [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] the color/design of the background you have just maybe mores simple?
Anyways, you don't even have to fix it since I know this is all voluntary, but if you could that would be super awesome [You must be [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] to see this image.]! Thanks again.

Also, for banner 2, could you move the knight to the right slightly or make him just a tad smaller so the words don't run over his left arm? just a small tweak, thanks!

Yea, sorry about that. I did get a little carried away. I was watching Big Brother while trying to do this so my attention was a little distracted.. lol

by DustyBones
on July 4th 2016, 7:25 am
Search in: Completed Graphic Requests
Topic: Multiple Banner Creations
Replies: 19
Views: 1622

Multiple Banner Creations

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Thanks so much for your effort, however, if I had to say anything do you think for image [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] for the left side of the banners could you simplify the background on them just a bit? I think the simpler they look, the better they are. They are sort of busy, in my opinion at least, but I like for banner [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] the color/design of the background you have just maybe mores simple?
Anyways, you don't even have to fix it since I know this is all voluntary, but if you could that would be super awesome [You must be [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] to see this image.]! Thanks again.

Also, for banner 2, could you move the knight to the right slightly or make him just a tad smaller so the words don't run over his left arm? just a small tweak, thanks!
by Dark Sparrow
on July 4th 2016, 6:57 am
Search in: Completed Graphic Requests
Topic: Multiple Banner Creations
Replies: 19
Views: 1622

Avatar, Posts, Points & Reputation Alignment

To do it in Invision, just add that same code I gave you to your CSS Stylesheet and it will still work. Since it is CSS Code, it won't matter what forum version you are on. Also to add onto what {@=102811}Forumedic{/@} mentioned, if you want to rearrange where the links are, follow these steps below.

Step {#}1{/#}: Open Administration Panel
Step {#}2{/#}: Click Display Tab
Step {#}3{/#}: Click "Headers & Navigation" under Homepage
Step {#}4{/#}: Use the arrow buttons to the left of the Navigation links to move them into a different order.
Step {#}5{/#}: Click Save! (Note: This may or may not be needed, just added it to be safe!)

Hope this helps you out {@=102091}epik{/@}!

{@=102811}Forumedic{/@}, thanks for that bit of information, I had completely forgotten about that as well!

by Guest
on April 12th 2016, 1:47 pm
Search in: Garbage
Topic: Avatar, Posts, Points & Reputation Alignment
Replies: 8
Views: 1666

Forum appearance concerns - Help!

Hey there,

I'm seeming to be having difficulty with a few things regarding the appearance and look of my Forum. Instead of creating several topics in this category relating to what I need to get done, I figured creating one discussion would help me much easier, since they are alike. So without further ado, here's a list of my concerns Smile ;

1.) Firstly, I'd like to ask for help on how I can possibly edit the size of my Chat Box which is on my Forum. It looks misplaced to where it's far too large and too wide. --- I was curious on how I can change the size easily, since it sticks out a bit too much.

2.) As for my second concern, I was hoping that someone would know how I can edit the default text color that is used when a post is created. On my forum, the text color was changed to a light blue shade, but on certain parts of the forum that have different background colors, it can be difficult to see the text color or it simply looks mis-matching. So if there's anyone that can assist with how I can change the DEFAULT post text-color alone, please do reply.

3.) Going onto {#}3{/#}, when there are several replies on a topic, there is a pattern as for the reply's background color. I'm not sure if I'm explaining this right or not, but here's an example of what I'm meaning;

Topics tagged under 3 on The forum of the forums Screen10

As you see, the replies have different background colors in a pattern to where it switches back after every other reply that is posted. I was wondering how I can just stick to having both the topic, and replies, colored white. Any suggestions?

4.) On the previous image given above, the title of the replies to the discussion always appear as "Re: Topic Title". I was wondering how I can change this to where the user's name appears on top instead of the "Re: Topic Title" thing. As well as that, I want to know how I can possibly move the user's information that is displayed on the right (when they make a post or reply to one), to the left. For example, on this discussion that you are reading right now, my details/avatar picture and etc..., is on the left. How can I make it like that on my Forum?

5.) Last but not least, I really wanted to know how I can make it easier for someone to login to my Forum. To make it easier to understand; on this website, when someone clicks "Login" near the top right, a drop down box appears below it with a small area to fill your credentials in to login. On my Forum, when I click the login button, I am redirected to a whole new page to login. Any ideas on how I can change this?

Anyways, that was it. Thank you so much for reading throughout my questions. I'm hoping that someone can get back to me ASAP. Smile

In addition to this, I apologize if this was a little too much to include in one post, as it may be difficult to go back and forth giving feedback on my concerns one by one. - I simply thought it may be easier to write it in one discussion.

Thanks again! I love you
- Bridgette
by Guest
on April 9th 2016, 7:42 pm
Search in: Garbage
Topic: Forum appearance concerns - Help!
Replies: 6
Views: 856

How do i install my own ChatBox?

updated the header, thanks for #3
by Nintenex
on December 13th 2015, 3:57 pm
Search in: Other Problems Archives
Topic: How do i install my own ChatBox?
Replies: 9
Views: 1030

HELP for change password of forum's administator

Mccorkle wrote:Good morning,

I was a member of a board that the only admin abandoned almost one year ago.

I'd like to claim this board for myself, and read your tutorial on how to do so in the FAQ section, but the system is not allowing me to send a PM to Buttercup.

Please advise and TIA

#1 Please open a new topic.

#2 Buttercup if off for the weekend won't be back until Sunday.

#3 If the admin is has left the site for awhile, why not just leave the site yourself as well and create a new one.

by brandon_g
on September 20th 2015, 4:08 pm
Search in: Garbage
Topic: HELP for change password of forum's administator
Replies: 10
Views: 1312

How to know the class address in the topic


I wonder how to know each class address of post (#1, #2, #3,...) in the topic when I don't see it.

by congdantoancau
on June 4th 2015, 3:28 am
Search in: Garbage
Topic: How to know the class address in the topic
Replies: 5
Views: 1149

phpbb2 & phpbb3 : Display post numbers

Display post numbers for phpbb2 and phpbb3

This tutorial will help you display the number on posts for versions phpbb2 and phpbb3 of your Forumotion forum.

Topics tagged under 3 on The forum of the forums Captur10

Modification of viewtopic_body

Go to Administration Panel > Display > Templates > General and open the viewtopic_body template. Edit

Exclamation Follow the instructions for your forum version !


Find :
<div style="position: relative; top: -30px; width: 1px;" id="{postrow.displayed.U_POST_ID}"></div>

Replace by :
<div style="position: relative; top: -30px; width: 1px;" id="{postrow.displayed.U_POST_ID}"></div>
<div class="postNumberContainer"><a href="{postrow.displayed.POST_URL}" class="postNumber">#{postrow.displayed.COUNT_POSTS}</a></div>


Find :
<td><span class="postdetails"><img src="{postrow.displayed.MINI_POST_IMG}" alt="{postrow.displayed.L_MINI_POST_ALT}" title="{postrow.displayed.L_MINI_POST_ALT}" border="0" />{L_POST_SUBJECT}: {postrow.displayed.POST_SUBJECT}&nbsp; &nbsp;<img src="{postrow.displayed.MINI_TIME_IMG}" alt="" border="0" />{postrow.displayed.POST_DATE}</span></td>

Replace by :
<td><span class="postdetails"><a class="postNumber" href="{postrow.displayed.POST_URL}">#{postrow.displayed.COUNT_POSTS}</a><img src="{postrow.displayed.MINI_POST_IMG}" alt="{postrow.displayed.L_MINI_POST_ALT}" title="{postrow.displayed.L_MINI_POST_ALT}" border="0" />{L_POST_SUBJECT}: {postrow.displayed.POST_SUBJECT}&nbsp; &nbsp;<img src="{postrow.displayed.MINI_TIME_IMG}" alt="" border="0" />{postrow.displayed.POST_DATE}</span></td>

Modifications :
To change the # next to the post number. Find #{postrow.displayed.COUNT_POSTS} and replace the # with whatever you want.

Don't forget to save and publish the template ! Add

Afterwards you should now see the numbers on posts. See the next section for style modifications. Wink

Modifying the style

To change the style go to Administration Panel > Display > Colors > CSS stylesheet. Paste any of the codes below that are for your forum version.

If you want to align the number to the right on phpbb3 :
.postNumberContainer { text-align:right }

You can change the alignment with these values : left || center || right

To change the display of the number like this : Topics tagged under 3 on The forum of the forums Captur11, use the example below and modify it to your liking.
a.postNumber {
  font-size:10px; /* size of the number */
  color:#666; /* color of the link */
  background:#EEE; /* background color */
  border:1px solid #CCC; /* border size, type, and color */
  border-radius:3px; /* border roundness */
  display:inline-block; /* display state */
  padding:2px; /* inner spacing */

Information :
The classname .postNumber is used to style the post number link. e.g. #1, #2, #3

The classname .postNumberContainer is used only in phpbb3, and refers to the container that holds the post number.

by Ange Tuteur
on January 16th 2015, 7:43 am
Search in: Tips & Tricks
Topic: phpbb2 & phpbb3 : Display post numbers
Replies: 0
Views: 9963

Post Number for phpBB3

I still have problem with post number like below:

- Page No.1: #1, #2, #3,....#9, #10 (Okay)
- Page No.2: #9, # 10, #11,..., #17, #18 ( repeat #9 and #10)
- Page No.3: #8, #9, #10,..., #16, #17 (Wrong number)

Please try this again!
Thank you!
by AlexisMcDevin
on December 30th 2014, 11:00 pm
Search in: Scripts Problems Archives
Topic: Post Number for phpBB3
Replies: 38
Views: 4666

Post Number for phpBB3

Hi @Mati™,

Have you applied your code yet? I changed all Left by right but the post numbers are still in left.

And we have more problem:

- In the page No.1, post number showed like this: #0, #1, #2, #3,....,#9. (First page works well)
- In the page No.2, post number showed like this: #10, #12, #14,..., #28. (all in even number).
- In the page No.3, post number showed like this: #10, #13, #16,...,#37.

I do not know why!

Please come to my forum and check this @ HERE
by AlexisMcDevin
on December 30th 2014, 10:02 pm
Search in: Scripts Problems Archives
Topic: Post Number for phpBB3
Replies: 38
Views: 4666

Post Number for phpBB3

I would like to add a post number count on every post for phpBB3

Post Number: #1
Post Number: #2
Post Number: #3
by Mati
on December 28th 2014, 10:25 pm
Search in: Scripts Problems Archives
Topic: Post Number for phpBB3
Replies: 38
Views: 4666

How to customize Personalize sub-forums display (more)

Dear Forumotion,

I have just finished several steps on the topic "
Personalize sub-forums display". However, I have more requests as below:

Topics tagged under 3 on The forum of the forums 10862675_423702871119855_585154012219606811_o

The image with 5 steps:

- Pic. #1, Categories and forums setup.
- Pic. #2, The completed of construction "Personalize sub-forums display".
- Pic. #3, The icons that I want them show up the topic got news or not.

Link images:
- New responses:

- Nothing news:

- Pic. #4, I tried however It is not what I want.

- Pic. #5, I need the Sub-forums must be align (Rows and columns) as per Pic.#5 but the icons can be show that these posts are new or old.

This is link to my forum (Version phpBB3):

Test account if needed:
Account: testingacc
Password: A123456Z

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Thank you!
by coaogati
on December 23rd 2014, 10:32 am
Search in: Other Problems Archives
Topic: How to customize Personalize sub-forums display (more)
Replies: 20
Views: 1934

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