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    Add or remove topic title colors

    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

    Male Posts : 13207
    Reputation : 3000
    Language : English & 日本語
    Location : Pennsylvania

    Tutorial Add or remove topic title colors

    Post by Ange Tuteur March 13th 2015, 5:33 am

    Add or remove topic title colors

    By default there are only a total of 14 different colors to choose from for your topic title. With this little trick you will be able to add more colors to the topic title color list for your Forumotion forum. Additionally I've offered a method to hide specific default colors.

    Add or remove topic title colors Scr13

    Exclamation Attention : You should have Allow topics title color enabled if you're going to follow this trick.
    Administration Panel > General > Messages and E-mails > Configuration

    Choose Yes for Allow topics title color and save.

    Add or remove topic title colors 09615110Addition of Colors

    To add additional colors to the drop down go to Administration Panel > Modules > JavaScript codes management and create a new script.

    Title : Extra topic colors
    Placement : In all the pages
    Paste the following code :
    $(function() {
     Â if (! || ! return;
     Â var colors = {
     Â   'Crimson' : '#DC143C',
     Â   'Tomato' : '#FF6347',
     Â   'Orange Red' : '#FF4500',
     Â   'Pink' : '#FFC0CB',
     Â   'Magenta' : '#FF00FF',
     Â   'Violet' : '#EE82EE',
     Â   'Sky' : '#87CEEB',
     Â   'Light Sky' : '#87CEFA',
     Â   'Slate Blue' : '#6A5ACD',
     Â   'Steel Blue' : '#4682B4',
     Â   'Teal' : '#008080',
     Â   'Lime' : '#00FF00',
     Â   'Dark Green' : '#006600',
     Â   'Light Green' : '#90EE90',
     Â   'Yellow Green' : '#9ACD32'
     Â },
     Â a, b =, c = b.childNodes, i = 0, j = c.length, k;
     Â for (k in colors) {
     Â   a = document.createElement('OPTION');
     Â   a.innerHTML = k;
     Â = colors[k];
     Â   a.value = colors[k];
     Â   b.insertBefore(a, b.firstChild);
     Â };
     Â for (; i<j; i++) if (c[i].style.color == c[i].selected = 1;


    At the top of the script you will see a colors object. Inside this object you'll be able to define and modify existing colors. You should include the color name, and the color code. Here's a simple example :
    var colors = {
     Â 'Red' : '#FF0000',
     Â 'Green' : '#009900',
     Â 'Blue' : '#0000FF'

    We can add as many or as little colors as we want, as you can see in the exemple above. It should be written as 'color name' : 'color code' and multiple colors should be separated by a comma. The last color doesn't need a comma, because that will throw an error in older browsers.

    To make choosing colors easy for you, you can use some of the following resources. Smile

    Add or remove topic title colors 09615110Removal of Colors

    Maybe you want to remove certain colors from the topics color list. For example white and grey because they're hard to read on white backgrounds. To do this, go to Administration Panel > Modules > JavaScript codes management and create a new script.

    Title : Remove topic colors
    Placement : In all the pages
    Paste the following code :
    $(function() {
     Â if (! || ! return;
     Â var badeggs = [
     Â   '#FFFFFF',
     Â   '#999999',
     Â   '#FFFF00'
     Â ],
     Â o =, i = 0, j = o.length, k, v, l = badeggs.length;
     Â for (; i<j; i++) {
     Â   for (k = 0; k<l; k++) {
     Â     v = badeggs[k].toLowerCase();
     Â     if (o[i].innerHTML.toLowerCase() == v || o[i].value.toLowerCase() == v) {
     Â       o[i].style.display = 'none';
     Â       o[i].selected && ( o[i].nextSibling ? o[i].nextSibling.selected = 1 : o[i].previousSibling.selected = 1 );
     Â     }
     Â   }
     Â }
     Â =;


    At the top of the script you will see an array of badeggs. In this array you'll be able to write the names or values of the colors that you want to remove from the default topic color list.
    var badeggs = [
     Â '#FFFFFF',
     Â '#999999',
     Â '#FFFF00'

    We can add a few or all possible colors in the list. Each color that you want to remove should be separated by a comma. You can use either the name of the color or its value; the value is recommended. The downfall to using the the name of the color, is that member's using a different language, such as French, would be able to still see the colors removed in English.

    To make work easy for you, here's a list of all the default color names and values which you can remove if you wish.
    Dark red#660000
    Dark Blue#000099

    If we wanted to remove all default values and start anew, then our array would look like this.
    var badeggs = [
     Â '#660000',
     Â '#FF0000',
     Â '#FF9933',
     Â '#663300',
     Â '#FFFF00',
     Â '#006600',
     Â '#666633',
     Â '#00FFFF',
     Â '#0000FF',
     Â '#000099',
     Â '#6600FF',
     Â '#999999',
     Â '#FFFFFF',
     Â '#000000'

      Current date/time is September 23rd 2024, 4:27 am