Make it so everyone has to log in to get into Forums(index) Hitskin_logo

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    Make it so everyone has to log in to get into Forums(index)


    Female Posts : 180
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    Location : USA

    Make it so everyone has to log in to get into Forums(index) Empty Make it so everyone has to log in to get into Forums(index)

    Post by SLJ November 21st 2006, 11:20 pm

    How do I make it so that folks have to sign in in order to view the forums?
    shadow dragon
    shadow dragon

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    Make it so everyone has to log in to get into Forums(index) Empty Re: Make it so everyone has to log in to get into Forums(index)

    Post by shadow dragon November 22nd 2006, 12:23 am

    i dont think its possible. they can view the index, but not the forums. you go tto admin panal>forum management>and then in each forums, set the permision so where only members can read topics there.

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    Make it so everyone has to log in to get into Forums(index) Empty Re: Make it so everyone has to log in to get into Forums(index)

    Post by Caihlem November 22nd 2006, 10:40 am

    Hi, yes it is possible:
    Admin panel> forum management
    And in the permissions, edit VIEW to REG (reigstered) which will mean that only registered users can view the category and forum in question

    Caihlem Wink

    Female Posts : 180
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    Location : USA

    Make it so everyone has to log in to get into Forums(index) Empty Re: Make it so everyone has to log in to get into Forums(index)

    Post by SLJ November 22nd 2006, 2:58 pm

    Thanks that means a bunch of retooling my forums. I thought there would be a just one click something like

    Make all forums only viewable to members __yes __no