Have chat appear in the forums as well as the index Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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4 posters

    Have chat appear in the forums as well as the index


    Chatbox to appear in the forums

    [ 11 ]
    Have chat appear in the forums as well as the index Bar_left85%Have chat appear in the forums as well as the index Bar_right [85%] 
    [ 2 ]
    Have chat appear in the forums as well as the index Bar_left15%Have chat appear in the forums as well as the index Bar_right [15%] 

    Total Votes: 13
    Poll closed

    Have chat appear in the forums as well as the index Empty Have chat appear in the forums as well as the index

    Post by Guest September 12th 2007, 1:45 am

    AS of right now the chat will only appear in the portal, top or the bottom of the index page.

    Please have it appear in the forums>So while you are reading posts you can see the chatbox as well

    Male Posts : 108
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    Language : English, French & German
    Location : Montreal, Quebec, Canada

    Have chat appear in the forums as well as the index Empty Re: Have chat appear in the forums as well as the index

    Post by Andre September 12th 2007, 1:48 am

    I voted Yes as this could be a good feature. Personally I think they are a nuisance when you can't readily see if there is another online there.


    Female Posts : 2804
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    Have chat appear in the forums as well as the index Empty Re: Have chat appear in the forums as well as the index

    Post by zinex September 12th 2007, 8:44 am

    i vote no, if you click the chat link you get a pop up window anyway, which means you can do both at the same time and personally, i think thats fine.

    Have chat appear in the forums as well as the index Empty Re: Have chat appear in the forums as well as the index

    Post by Guest September 12th 2007, 2:24 pm

    zinex wrote:i vote no, if you click the chat link you get a pop up window anyway, which means you can do both at the same time and personally, i think thats fine.

    But why have more than one window open?

    Female Posts : 2804
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    Language : scotch och aye!
    Location : Whats harder than a rock?!

    Have chat appear in the forums as well as the index Empty Re: Have chat appear in the forums as well as the index

    Post by zinex September 13th 2007, 1:54 pm

    well some of my members prefer it like that, then they can do bits and pieces on the web, other than be on the site, yet still have the chat window open to carry on chatting. i prefer it like that too, as i can go into the admin panel and tinker about yet still have the chat open.

    Have chat appear in the forums as well as the index Empty Re: Have chat appear in the forums as well as the index

    Post by Guest October 24th 2007, 6:48 am

    Mine doesn't just pop up, it opens in a whole new tab, which defeats the purpose of my having to go back and forth. I vote yes.

    Male Posts : 98
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    Language : English
    Location : Aus

    Have chat appear in the forums as well as the index Empty Re: Have chat appear in the forums as well as the index

    Post by AussieJay October 24th 2007, 12:24 pm

    i vote yes as an option.

    notification of new messages is even better but thats already been decided...

    Male Posts : 17924
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    Language : English
    Location : Somewhere

    Have chat appear in the forums as well as the index Empty Re: Have chat appear in the forums as well as the index

    Post by Jophy March 16th 2013, 11:19 am

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