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4 posters

    PhpBB2: Modification of viewtopic_body for forum with personalized templates


    Male Posts : 16208
    Reputation : 1832
    Language : French, English

    Important PhpBB2: Modification of viewtopic_body for forum with personalized templates

    Post by Shadow May 27th 2015, 11:21 am

    phpBB2: Modification of viewtopic_body for forum with personalized templates
    Hello members,

    In order to perform natural referencing of our forums, a modification has been made on viewtopic_body for all phpBB2 forums.

    However, all forums with personalized templates, must manually modify this template.

    Please find the changes to make in the template viewtopic_body :

    Line 286 of the default template, replace:

    <td align="center" class="t-title"><a name="bottomtitle"></a><h1 class="cattitle">{TOPIC_TITLE}</h1></td>


    <td align="center" class="t-title"><a name="bottomtitle"></a><div class="cattitle">{TOPIC_TITLE}</div></td>

    Line315 & 328 of default template, replace:

    <td valign="top"><h1 class="cattitle"> {PROMOT_TRAFIC_TITLE}</h1></td>


    <td valign="top"><div class="cattitle"> {PROMOT_TRAFIC_TITLE}</div></td>

    Line 353 of template by default, replace by:

    <h1 class="cattitle"> {L_FORUM_RULES}</h1>


    <div class="cattitle"> {L_FORUM_RULES}</div>


    Best regards,
    Forumotion I love you

    Active Poster

    Male Posts : 1881
    Reputation : 22
    Language : Bulgarian

    Important Re: PhpBB2: Modification of viewtopic_body for forum with personalized templates

    Post by smurfavr May 27th 2015, 11:38 am

    I did not understand WHY ARE THESE CHANGES. Could more information.

    Male Posts : 16208
    Reputation : 1832
    Language : French, English

    Important Re: PhpBB2: Modification of viewtopic_body for forum with personalized templates

    Post by Shadow May 27th 2015, 11:47 am

    This change was to perform natural referencing of your forum. There was something into this specific template that was not good for your SEO. Our technicians made a modification to improve it.
    However, if you didn't modify this specific template, there is nothing to do.
    Active Poster

    Male Posts : 1881
    Reputation : 22
    Language : Bulgarian

    Important Re: PhpBB2: Modification of viewtopic_body for forum with personalized templates

    Post by smurfavr May 27th 2015, 11:54 am

    Line numbers do not correspond to my viewtopic_body. Can anyone verify if I had done it.

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      return false;


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                  var url_favourite = '{U_FAVOURITE_JS_PLUS_MENU}';
                  var url_newposts = '{U_NEWPOSTS_JS_PLUS_MENU}';
                  var url_egosearch = '{U_EGOSEARCH_JS_PLUS_MENU}';
                  var url_unanswered = '{U_UNANSWERED_JS_PLUS_MENU}';
                  var url_watchsearch = '{U_WATCHSEARCH_JS_PLUS_MENU}';
                  var url_tellfriend = '{U_TELLFRIEND_JS_PLUS_MENU}';
                  insert_plus_menu('f{FORUM_ID}&amp;t={TOPIC_ID}','{JS_SESSION_ID}', {JS_AUTH_FAVOURITES});
                <!-- END switch_plus_menu -->

    <table class="forumline" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-bottom: 0px;">
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                  <td align="center" class="t-title">
                      <h1 class="cattitle"> {TOPIC_TITLE}</h1>
                  <td align="right" width="9%" class="browse-arrows"><a href="{U_VIEW_OLDER_TOPIC}">{L_VIEW_PREVIOUS_TOPIC}</a> <a href="{U_VIEW_NEWER_TOPIC}">{L_VIEW_NEXT_TOPIC}</a> <a href="#bottom">{L_GOTO_DOWN}</a> </td>
      <!-- BEGIN topicpagination -->
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      <!-- END topicpagination -->
          <th class="thLeft" nowrap="nowrap" width="150px" height="26">{L_AUTHOR}</th>
          <th class="thRight" nowrap="nowrap" colspan="2">{L_MESSAGE}</th>
      <!-- BEGIN postrow -->
      <!-- BEGIN hidden -->
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      <!-- END hidden -->
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            <span class="name"><a name="{postrow.displayed.U_POST_ID}"></a><strong>{postrow.displayed.POSTER_NAME}</strong></span><br />
                <span class="postdetails poster-profile">
                {postrow.displayed.POSTER_RANK}<br />
                {postrow.displayed.RANK_IMAGE}{postrow.displayed.POSTER_AVATAR}<br /><br />
                <!-- BEGIN profile_field -->
                {postrow.displayed.profile_field.LABEL} {postrow.displayed.profile_field.CONTENT}{postrow.displayed.profile_field.SEPARATOR}
                <!-- END profile_field -->
            </span><br />
            <img src="" alt="" style="width:150px;height:1px" />
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                            <!-- END switch_vote_minus -->
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                        <!-- BEGIN switch_no_bar -->
                        <div title="{postrow.displayed.switch_vote_active.L_VOTE_TITLE}" class="vote-no-bar">----</div>
                        <!-- END switch_no_bar -->

                        <!-- BEGIN switch_vote -->
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     <!-- END switch_vote -->
                      <!-- END switch_vote_active -->

                      <div class="postbody">


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                                    <!-- END switch_dl_att -->

                                    <!-- BEGIN switch_no_dl_att -->
                                    {postrow.displayed.switch_attachments.switch_post_attachments.switch_no_dl_att.ATTACHMENT} {postrow.displayed.switch_attachments.switch_post_attachments.switch_no_dl_att.ATTACHMENT_DEL}
                                    <!-- END switch_no_dl_att -->

                                  <!-- BEGIN switch_no_comment -->
                                  <!-- END switch_no_comment -->

                                  <!-- BEGIN switch_no_dl_att -->
                                  <!-- END switch_no_dl_att -->

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                        <!-- END switch_signature -->

                      <span class="gensmall">{postrow.displayed.EDITED_MESSAGE}</span>
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    <br />
    <table class="forumline" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0">
          <th class="thLeft" nowrap="nowrap" width="150px" height="26">{L_AUTHOR}</th>
          <th class="thRight" nowrap="nowrap" colspan="2">{L_MESSAGE}</th>
      <!-- END first_post_br -->
      <!-- END displayed -->
      <!-- END postrow -->
      <!-- BEGIN no_post -->
      <tr align="center">
          <td class="row1" colspan="3" height="28">
            <span class="genmed">{no_post.L_NO_POST}</span>
      <!-- END no_post -->
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    <td align="center" class="t-title"><a name="bottomtitle"></a><div class="cattitle">{TOPIC_TITLE}</div></td>
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            <!-- BEGIN link -->
            » <a style="text-decoration:none" href="{}" target="_blank" title="{}">{}</a><br />
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    <!-- END promot_trafic -->

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            <td class="row1" valign="top" width="75%"><span class="gensmall">{S_AUTH_LIST}</span></td>
          <!-- END show_permissions -->
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          <!-- END moderation_panel -->

    <!-- BEGIN viewtopic_bottom -->
    <table class="noprint" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" align="center">
          <td colspan="2" align="left" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"><br />{S_TOPIC_ADMIN}<br />
            <form name="action" method="get" action="{S_FORM_MOD_ACTION}">
                <input type="hidden" name="t" value="{TOPIC_ID}" />

                <!-- <input type="hidden" name="sid" value="{S_SID}" /> -->
                <input type="hidden" name="{SECURE_ID_NAME}" value="{SECURE_ID_VALUE}" />

                <span class="gen">{L_MOD_TOOLS}<br />{S_SELECT_MOD} <input class="liteoption" type="submit" value="{L_GO}" /></span>
    <!-- END viewtopic_bottom -->

    <!-- BEGIN switch_image_resize -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(resize_images({ 'selector' : '.postbody', 'max_width' : {switch_image_resize.IMG_RESIZE_WIDTH}, 'max_height' : {switch_image_resize.IMG_RESIZE_HEIGHT} }));
    <!-- END switch_image_resize -->
    <script src="{JS_DIR}addthis/addthis_widget.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

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    Important Re: PhpBB2: Modification of viewtopic_body for forum with personalized templates

    Post by Shadow May 27th 2015, 3:05 pm

    The number corresponds to the template by default. If you have personalized your template you've to search the code Wink

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    Important Re: PhpBB2: Modification of viewtopic_body for forum with personalized templates

    Post by brandon_g May 27th 2015, 3:15 pm

    Hello @Buttercup,

    What if our templates are only VERY MINORLY modified? I had to modify mine to get our topic icons to appear in the topics, but other then that I have changed nothing. Does it still need to modified manually?


    PhpBB2: Modification of viewtopic_body for forum with personalized templates Brando10
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    PhpBB2: Modification of viewtopic_body for forum with personalized templates Scre1476
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    Important Re: PhpBB2: Modification of viewtopic_body for forum with personalized templates

    Post by Shadow May 27th 2015, 3:38 pm


    The modification is just to perform your forum SEO. This change is not mandatory. If you don't make the change, your forum will still perfectly work Smile

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    Important Re: PhpBB2: Modification of viewtopic_body for forum with personalized templates

    Post by brandon_g May 27th 2015, 3:42 pm

    Well I don't want  to fall behind on SEO, but I don't have time search for this specific thing. I can't do it from my tablet or phone. It was only the SLIGHTEST of changes, virtually the default? So it wouldn't have updated automatically?


    PhpBB2: Modification of viewtopic_body for forum with personalized templates Brando10
    Remember to mark your topic PhpBB2: Modification of viewtopic_body for forum with personalized templates Solved15 when a solution is found.
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    PhpBB2: Modification of viewtopic_body for forum with personalized templates Scre1476
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    Important Re: PhpBB2: Modification of viewtopic_body for forum with personalized templates

    Post by Shadow May 27th 2015, 3:48 pm

    We cannot it automatically, as we don't modify personalized templates... The change has been made automatically for with templates by default!

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    Important Re: PhpBB2: Modification of viewtopic_body for forum with personalized templates

    Post by brandon_g May 27th 2015, 3:51 pm

    *Sigh* I can't possibly find it and update it from my phone and tablet. Shame too because it so SLIGHT that the template is VIRTUALLY the default. Sad

    If I didn't I couldn't I have I topic icons appear in the topics. Sad 

    Thanks Buttercup for info

    PhpBB2: Modification of viewtopic_body for forum with personalized templates Brando10
    Remember to mark your topic PhpBB2: Modification of viewtopic_body for forum with personalized templates Solved15 when a solution is found.
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    PhpBB2: Modification of viewtopic_body for forum with personalized templates Scre1476
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    Important Re: PhpBB2: Modification of viewtopic_body for forum with personalized templates

    Post by SLGray May 30th 2015, 8:24 pm

    SEO = search engine optimization

    PhpBB2: Modification of viewtopic_body for forum with personalized templates Slgray10

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