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Number of posts and topics background

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Number of posts and topics background  Empty Number of posts and topics background

Post by mcdk June 23rd 2015, 11:50 am

hello question for phpbb3 again..can i set something like square background for number of topics and posts? below to explain extacly what i mean..
Number of posts and topics background  Reeee11

Male Posts : 135
Reputation : 1
Language : Greek

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Number of posts and topics background  Empty Re: Number of posts and topics background

Post by Mati June 23rd 2015, 1:38 pm


Add this in your CSS:

 .row dd.topics, .row dd.posts {
    background: url( no-repeat center;
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Number of posts and topics background  Empty Re: Number of posts and topics background

Post by mcdk June 23rd 2015, 2:15 pm

thank you very much my friend.
i put the code and it works.
One more question ,.... inside a category where are located the topics , the column "views" has not this background but the column "answers" has it.can you help me?
and do you know what is the code to change the text color,size etc of these columns?
thanks again!

Male Posts : 135
Reputation : 1
Language : Greek

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