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Banner slide show problem (Banner Rotator)

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Banner slide show problem (Banner Rotator) Empty Banner slide show problem (Banner Rotator)

Post by kyokoong January 2nd 2016, 5:59 am

Technical Details

Forum version : #Invision
Position : Founder
Concerned browser(s) : Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, IE
Who the problem concerns : All members
When the problem appeared : After put 'Banner rotator' javascript
Forum link :

Description of problem

I put the JavaScript from this topic in my forum.

        (function() {
          var BannerRotator = {
            images :  [ '',
'', ],
            start_delay : 5000,
            duration : 5000,
            height : 'auto',
            fade_image : true,
            fade_speed : 1200,
            keep_initial : true,
            remember_position : true,
            preload : true,
            // technical data below
            index : -1,
            logo : null,
            // increment the index and display the next image in rotation after a small delay
            next : function(ms) {
              if (ms === undefined) ms = FA.BannerRotator.duration;
              window.setTimeout(function() {
                if (++FA.BannerRotator.index >= FA.BannerRotator.images.length) FA.BannerRotator.index = 0; // reset index when it exceeds "images" length
                if (FA.BannerRotator.remember_position) my_setcookie('fa_banner_index', FA.BannerRotator.index); // remember the last banner shown
                // fade banner in and out
                if (FA.BannerRotator.fade_image) {
                  $(FA.BannerRotator.logo).fadeOut(FA.BannerRotator.fade_speed, function() {
                    FA.BannerRotator.logo.src = FA.BannerRotator.images[FA.BannerRotator.index]; // set next banner
                    $(this).fadeIn(FA.BannerRotator.fade_speed,; // fade it in
                // default rotation
                else {
                  FA.BannerRotator.logo.src = FA.BannerRotator.images[FA.BannerRotator.index];
              }, ms);
            // initial start up to get the correct logo node and setup some other settings
            init : function() {
              var logo = document.getElementById('i_logo') || document.getElementById('logo') || document.getElementById('pun-logo'),
                  index = my_getcookie('fa_banner_index');
              if (logo) {
                FA.BannerRotator.logo = logo.tagName == 'IMG' ? logo : logo.firstChild;
       = FA.BannerRotator.height;
                if (FA.BannerRotator.keep_initial) FA.BannerRotator.images[FA.BannerRotator.images.length] = FA.BannerRotator.logo.src;
                if (FA.BannerRotator.remember_position && index) {
                  FA.BannerRotator.index = +index;
                  FA.BannerRotator.logo.src = FA.BannerRotator.images[FA.BannerRotator.index] || FA.BannerRotator.images[0];
              } else if (window.console && window.console.warn) {
                console.warn('Your forum version is not optimized for this plugin');
          if (!window.FA) FA = {};
          if (!FA.BannerRotator) {
            FA.BannerRotator = BannerRotator;
            if (FA.BannerRotator.preload) {
              for (var i = 0, j = FA.BannerRotator.images.length, img; i < j; i++) {
                img = document.createElement('IMG');
                img.src = FA.BannerRotator.images[i];

it works. but when I scroll down to bottom, the scrollbar will jump up, It happens with every page which I use this javascript and I don't know how to solve. pls help me, Thanks

ps. now I use this javascript in the homepage and sub-forum (because I don't want to annoy my members by auto-jump scrollbar in all topics) however, I would like to use it in all the pages of my forum.

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Language : Thai / Eng

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