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Forumotion Premium Service?

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Forumotion Premium Service? Empty Forumotion Premium Service?

Post by Piano244 Thu 19 May - 2:06


I am back after a long break of not creating, using, or managing Fourmotion Forums. Now that I'm a bit older (and have a job, haha) I'd like to start up a community for a game. I remember a while ago that you could pay (and I could be wrong) for some sort of Forumotion service that included a domain name, and new ways of organizing your forum categories, etc. Is that service still available? Or rather, is there some sort of "premium" or "paid" service package on Forumotion?

Thank you for your help.

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Forumotion Premium Service? Empty Re: Forumotion Premium Service?

Post by Take Notes Thu 19 May - 2:09

Yes it is still a service.

Go on your forum's Administration Panel > Misc

Credit information is all there Smile
Take Notes
Take Notes

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