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How do I add the same kind of "Return to Top"-thing that is as the bottom of this forum?

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In progress How do I add the same kind of "Return to Top"-thing that is as the bottom of this forum?

Post by E.J.M. July 10th 2016, 1:25 pm


If it is possible to get it by only using CSS, please tell me. I prefer that.

If not, also tell me.

Thanks! Very Happy

Posts : 34
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Language : English

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In progress Re: How do I add the same kind of "Return to Top"-thing that is as the bottom of this forum?

Post by Ape July 10th 2016, 7:19 pm

here is a link for you

also please try doing a search on key word like
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most of the time you can fins this sort of thing just by doing a search first Smile

How do I add the same kind of "Return to Top"-thing that is as the bottom of this forum? Left1212How do I add the same kind of "Return to Top"-thing that is as the bottom of this forum? Center11How do I add the same kind of "Return to Top"-thing that is as the bottom of this forum? Right112
How do I add the same kind of "Return to Top"-thing that is as the bottom of this forum? Ape_b110
How do I add the same kind of "Return to Top"-thing that is as the bottom of this forum? Ape1010

Male Posts : 19528
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