POP-Ups preventing logins by members Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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    POP-Ups preventing logins by members

    John Fester
    John Fester
    New Member

    Posts : 1
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    POP-Ups preventing logins by members Empty POP-Ups preventing logins by members

    Post by John Fester September 17th 2016, 11:09 pm

    Good evening, I have had a number of members make contact with me stating that various PoP-Ups are causing failed logins, also threats to devices security, and also a works computer displayed a site requesting membership to pornographic material.
    I am far from computer literacy, but this is not funny least of all when trying to build a user forum from new. I have seen a number of pop ups on my own android device when I open up the link, and they are very persistent in giving away free this, that and so much more (Sponsored by Google apparently) This has had an impact on visiting numbers and use of what I attempted to build. many members have had security alerts on their devices that now prevent the device opening the site address, others simply no longer bother attempting to go onto our site now ! I understand that different anti virus programs detect threats in a varied way and that confusion of systems could cause some of the problems. From my point of view, the subjects above are beyond my control and understanding, but what I do understand is "We are losing traffic" and the future success of the forum in part relies on regular visiting and good experiences every time. I would ask that this is looked at and any useful advice given to rectify this once and for all. The only course of action I could undertake is to delete the forum, and destroy what is left of the traffic, maybe seek a different forum provider who can offer a medium that operates as we'd prefer and expect, even if we need to pay some fees to achieve a better result. I have sunk hours and hours into this, learned a stack of things from it but hate the idea of destroying it. Please advise me on this with a constructive way to resolve fully.
    Thanks in advance, John.

    Male Posts : 51532
    Reputation : 3519
    Language : English
    Location : United States

    POP-Ups preventing logins by members Empty Re: POP-Ups preventing logins by members

    Post by SLGray September 17th 2016, 11:33 pm

    POP-Ups preventing logins by members Slgray10

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