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Profile Awards With Hover Over Names

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Tutorial Profile Awards With Hover Over Names

Post by Ape February 6th 2018, 4:00 pm

Profile Awards With Hover Over Names

Dear members,

We are often asked how you can add an item to your profiles and add a name to the items when you hover over them.
I have made an awards system using this.

Great news is We now have a code that is easy to use and understand With thanks to @Walt From the French support forum.

  Available for all version's:
 Icon  version Tested 
Awards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names Phpbb210PHPBB2Awards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names Yes10
Awards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names Phpbb310PHPBB3Awards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names Yes10
Awards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names Punbb10PunBBAwards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names Yes10
Awards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names Invisi11InvisionAwards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names Yes10
Awards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names Modern10ModernBBAwards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names Yes10
Awards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names 15210AwesomeBBAwards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names Yes10

This comes in 3 easy steps.

Awards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names N112Create a new profile filed.

ACP >>   Users & Groups Tab >>   Users >> Profiles >>

Type : Text Zone.
Name : Profile Rewards (Or what ever your like)
Description : (what ever your like)
Display :  Profile    Messages
Display type : (what ever your like)
Who can modify the profile field value ? Moderators
Display this field for users that are at least : (what ever your like)
Separator :
(what ever your like)
Default content * :
[center][table][tr][td class="scrollable-zone"]No Awards Yet[/td][/tr][/table][/center]
Max length : 15000

Now save.

Awards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names N213Create a JavaScript

ACP >>   Modules Tab >>   HTML & JAVASCRIPT >> Javascript codes management >>


Title * : Profile Awards.
Placement : Topic's
For PHBB3  ModernBB & Invision  Forums:
For PHPBB2 Forums:
For PunBB Forums:
For AwesomeBB Forums:


The only way to give a title to each item is to find it with the URL of the image. That's why we have to list in the variable all_items_images all the images available in this profile zone. I already put in this variable all the items that were in your profile, but if there are others, you will have to add it.

In order to give a title to each item, we have the variable all_items_legend, and each line is the legend of the equivalent image in the all_items_images variable.

  For example :

Awards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names CBGrrqL

So if you add images, you will add the legends in the same order... I hope I'm clear ahah

Awards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names N312Adding your Awards to your members profile's:

Go to your members profile you want to add a Award to and add one of the following codes found in the list below.

  Adding your Awards :
I have made 6 for you but you can make your own if you wish.
See Awards:
  Adding more than one:
Say you want to add the first one and the last one just do the following


You will have to add the code where you see this part of the code. No Awards Yet
the code should look something like this
[center][table][tr][td class="scrollable-zone"][img][/img][img][/img][/td][/tr][/table][/center]

Note: You will have to add this (Manually) to each member (sadly This system does not have a auto fill setting) Then Save.

  And this is the result :
Awards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names Ezgif_17
  Style with CSS:

This should work in all forums unless you have made a lot of change to your Templates.
I hope you like this little cool setting.
If you have any problems Please feel free to make a thread in the main forum linking me to this thread and tagging me.

Last edited by APE on August 11th 2020, 2:13 pm; edited 10 times in total

Awards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names Left1212Awards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names Center11Awards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names Right112
Awards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names Ape_b110
Awards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names Ape1010

Male Posts : 19325
Reputation : 2005
Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

TonnyKamper and trajce like this post

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Tutorial Re: Profile Awards With Hover Over Names

Post by Ape August 9th 2020, 4:58 am

This Tutorial was updated With new codes So it works with all version's
Any problem's please make a new thread linking this topic.

Awards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names Left1212Awards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names Center11Awards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names Right112
Awards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names Ape_b110
Awards - Profile Awards With Hover Over Names Ape1010

Male Posts : 19325
Reputation : 2005
Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

SarkZKalie, TonnyKamper and trajce like this post

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