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Extended search

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Extended search Empty Extended search

Post by The Godfather April 23rd 2018, 5:57 pm

Extended search

The extended search is a feature that allows, in addition to searching in topic titles (as does the classic forum search), to search terms in message content. This feature is only accessible for forums having subscribed to the package Extended search 312592876.

Extended search activation

Go to your Administration panel  Misc  Credits management - Forumotion Packages[/quote]

To benefit from the extended search, you must first subscribe to the Extended search 312592876 package (see this tutorial). Once it is activated, you only have to activate the extended search.

Go to your Administration panel  General  Forum - Enabling advanced search

Click on the button "Start the activation process" (this menu won't appear if the extended search is already activated on your forum)

Extended search Avan10

Note that the forum must be encoded in UTF-8 to benefit this feature. If your forum is particularly old, it is possible that this is not the case. In this case, you can change the encoding of your forum to UTF-8 at any time (ACP  General  Forum - Pages encoding)

Enabling the extended search requires a total restructuring of your forum's message database tables. Therefore, and depending on the size of the forum, this operation can take time (from a few seconds to a few minutes), a time during which you should not change the configuration of the forum, add new elements or leave the current page until you have obtained the confirmation message of the end of the operation. On the forum side, in order to prevent your members from posting messages during the operation, the forum will be in maintenance mode for the needed time.


A topic has been created with the word "Test1" in the content of the message, a word that does not appear in the topic title :
See the example:

On a forum in a free package, only the classic search (the one that has always existed on Forumotion) is available: a search with the word "Test1" returns no results, since this search is only performed in the topic titles, and not in the messages contents :
See the example:

On a Extended search 312592876 package forum that has enabled extended search, the label of the search option has changed giving you the choice between "Search in the topics titles and messages contents" (which becomes the default search mode) or "Search on the topics titles" (the classic search) :

Extended search Test410

Therefore, the same search on the word "Test1" offers a different result, because, thanks to the extended search, the content of the messages is taken into account:
See the example:

At the opening of this topic, the search word is highlighted:

See the example:

Please note that the forums where the search_body template has been edited before April 09, 2018 must update this template with the changes indicated in the following message, to ensure the proper functioning of the search.

The Godfather
The Godfather

Posts : 5363
Reputation : 847

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