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Is there a way to insert a picture in the middle of the username?

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Is there a way to insert a picture in the middle of the username?  Empty Is there a way to insert a picture in the middle of the username?

Post by SpyroDragon July 8th 2018, 1:17 am

you know how we can add multi colors to the username
is there a way we can insert an icon right in the middle of the username ?

Posts : 462
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Is there a way to insert a picture in the middle of the username?  Empty Re: Is there a way to insert a picture in the middle of the username?

Post by ChanelW July 8th 2018, 3:33 am

SpyroDragon wrote:you know how we can add multi colors to the username
is there a way we can insert an icon right in the middle of the username ?

Hi SpyroDragon,

Please refer to this topic here -

I believe it has the answer you’re looking for, Any complications please post below! I love you

Chanel Smile

Female Posts : 218
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Location : United Kingdom

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