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Forum On Holiday, Forum Under Construction

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Tutorial Forum On Holiday, Forum Under Construction

Post by Ape June 5th 2020, 3:49 am

Forum On Holiday, Forum Under Construction

The purpose of this tutorial is to present two options that we can group together in the field of "forum maintenance". These two options allows you to restrict access to your forum to all of your members (except for Administrators).

Forum On Holiday, Forum Under Construction A110Forum on Holiday / Vacation

The forum on Holiday / vacation option prevents members from being able to post on your entire forum.
To be more precise, when you activate this option, your forum permissions are "virtually" set to "Administrators". Why "virtually"? Because the permissions you have assigned yourself are not changed.
This option acts as if you had set the permissions of your categories / forums / sub-forums to "Administrators only".

Of course, an Administrator is not bothered by this option. He /she can post as he /she pleases.

Admin Control Panel settings:
Administration Panel  General  Forum - Configuration
Forum On Holiday, Forum Under Construction Captu143
Just check on YES and validate.
Don't forget to remove the Holiday / vacation mode as soon as you finish.Forum On Holiday, Forum Under Construction Icon_wink

Forum On Holiday, Forum Under Construction A210Forum under construction
The forum option under construction allows to cut the access to your forum to all of your members (including moderators). This option should be used sparingly.
Forum On Holiday, Forum Under Construction Captu146
You have the possibility :

1. Is to activate or not this mode.
2. Is to choose the number of days (7 days maximum) during which your forum will be under maintenance.
3. To customize the display of your maintenance message.

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Forum On Holiday, Forum Under Construction Ape_b110
Forum On Holiday, Forum Under Construction Ape1010

Male Posts : 19470
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Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

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