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Discover the new Like and Dislike system of Forumotion

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Discover the new Like and Dislike system of Forumotion Empty Discover the new Like and Dislike system of Forumotion

Post by The Godfather June 22nd 2020, 9:43 am

Discover the new Like and Dislike system of Forumotion

Dear Forumotion users,

We are pleased to announce the arrival of a new feature on the Forumotion forums: a new Likes and Dislikes system. The launch of this new system is scheduled for Monday, June 22.

Presentation of the new Likes system

Thanks to this new system of Likes and Dislikes, forum members can put a "Like" (or possibly a "Dislike" depending on the settings in the PA) on each post and see who liked (or didn't like) the post.
The system is configurable in the administration panel, where you will have some options when it comes to positive and negative mentions and the display of the nicknames of those who reacted to a post via this tool. Since this feature is enabled on all forums by default, you can also disable it in your AP.

Discover the new Like and Dislike system of Forumotion En_lik10

In addition, it is available on all versions of the Forumotion forums: AwesomeBB, ModernBB, phpBB3, phpBB2, Invision, punBB and of course on the modern mobile version.

How to configure the Likes system in the AP of the forum?

The administrator can manage this functionality from the Administration Panel> General> Messages and Emails> Configuration (at the end of the first block).

This is where you can:

1. Make the choice to activate (or not) the Likes system, and to make possible either the 2 mentions ("Like" and "Dislike "), or only Likes.


2.  Choose to display the members who liked and disliked each message.
Here too, even if both mentions ("Like" and "Dislike") are activated, you can choose to display only members who have put a "Like".


Otherwise, by checking "Yes" you display the nicknames of the members who liked the message, and on another line the nicknames of the members who disliked it.


Note that this new functionality will be activated by default on all Forumotion forums. To deactivate it, you must therefore go through the AP.


The "Like" and "Dislike" labels can be personalized via the templates. Indeed, by default we offer the mention "Like" but nothing prevents having on the forum an "I agree", "Great", ...etc.  A tutorial will be offered quickly to explain in more detail how to do this customization.

How to receive push notifications when someone liked or disliked your message?

As a member of a secure forum (HTTPS protocol enabled), you can receive a push notification when a member of the forum reacts to your message.
In the preferences of your Profile ("Notifications" tab), two lines appear concerning the choice of receiving (or not) a notification when a member puts a "Like" or a "Dislike" on the 'one of your messages.


These lines only appear if the system of likes is activated in the AP and if the administrator has chosen to display the members who liked or disliked.

A push notification is then sent to members who have subscribed to these notifications via their web or mobile browser.


These notifications also appear for the member in the "Notifications" tab of the Forum Toolbar.



This new system is independent of the voting system and has no connection with the reputation system. We are aware that the two systems are in some way “competitors”. It was difficult to replace or modify the current voting system since many administrators use it and customize it (as well as the reputation system).
We have therefore chosen to offer this new Likes system, which is much simpler and more interactive, while giving the administrator the choice of activating the system that best suits his community.
Everyone is free to choose between the two systems. You can keep the old one in place and take advantage of the reputation system. Or deactivate it to activate the "like and dislike" system. You even have the possibility of using both at the same time (although we find that it is not necessarily relevant to activate these two systems simultaneously).

In order for the "Like" system to work optimally on the forum, administrators who have customized one of the templates viewtopic_body, viewcomments_body before 06/22/2020 must absolutely take the modifications below into account.  

EDIT 06/22 11:40 am UTC+2 A correction was made in the viewtopic_body template of the PhpBB2 version, if you have made modifications proposed in this announcement before, please modify your PhpBB2 viewtopic_body template by following the updated modifications (see below) .

EDIT 06/25/
Additional modifications have been made to date to some templates, to improve the display of certain elements.
In addition, there are modifications in the overall-header template, for adding a connection pop-up for guests clicking on Like.

If your templates are personalized but you have not changed them with the update of June 22, 2020, you must make all the modifications indicated for your version, in their entirety.

Last edited by The Godfather on June 26th 2020, 10:02 am; edited 2 times in total
The Godfather
The Godfather

Posts : 5376
Reputation : 847

Codyy, Ape, sivastar, SLGray, YoshiGM, Niko, SarkZKalie and like this post

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Discover the new Like and Dislike system of Forumotion Empty Re: Discover the new Like and Dislike system of Forumotion

Post by The Godfather June 22nd 2020, 9:43 am

So that the "Like" system works optimally on your forum, if you have customized the templates viewcomments_body and / or viewtopic_body before this update, please make the following replacements, choosing your forum version.

EDIT 25/06/2020
Some additional modifications have been made to the templates, to improve the display of certain elements.
If you have already made the changes published before, you only have to add new changes (highlighted in red) in addition to those already made.
If your templates are personalized but you have not changed them with the update of June 22, 2020, you must make all the modifications indicated for your version, in their entirety.

Mobile Modern:

Please Note that the viewcomments_body Template will not be in your templates if you have not change the settings for ( "Blogs configuration" in "Modules") So if you can't find viewcomments_body Template then you will not need to change it.
The Godfather
The Godfather

Posts : 5376
Reputation : 847

SLGray, SarkZKalie, TonnyKamper, trajce, Mohamed Nsr, Bigtuber, tikky and like this post

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Discover the new Like and Dislike system of Forumotion Empty Re: Discover the new Like and Dislike system of Forumotion

Post by The Godfather June 22nd 2020, 9:44 am


EDIT 25/06/2020
Some additional modifications have been made to the templates, to improve the display of certain elements.
If you have already made the changes published before, you only have to add new changes (highlighted in red) in addition to those already made.
If your templates are personalized but you have not changed them with the update of June 22, 2020, you must make all the modifications indicated for your version, in their entirety.

Please Note that the viewcomments_body Template will not be in your templates if you have not change the settings for ( "Blogs configuration" in "Modules") So if you can't find viewcomments_body Template then you will not need to change it.
The Godfather
The Godfather

Posts : 5376
Reputation : 847

skouliki, SLGray, TonnyKamper, Jucarese, trajce, Mohamed Nsr, Paulostge and like this post

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Discover the new Like and Dislike system of Forumotion Empty Re: Discover the new Like and Dislike system of Forumotion

Post by The Godfather June 26th 2020, 9:50 am

Dear users, we have added a login pop-up for guests clicking on the like button.

The administrators having personalized the overall_header template must take into account the modifications below.

The modifications will be added in overall_header, after the 3rd (and last!) piece of this code:

<!-- END switch_login_popup -->



Mobile Modern:
The Godfather
The Godfather

Posts : 5376
Reputation : 847

SLGray, TonnyKamper and trajce like this post

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Discover the new Like and Dislike system of Forumotion Empty Re: Discover the new Like and Dislike system of Forumotion

Post by The Godfather June 26th 2020, 9:57 am

Dear users,

We have just published some fixes regarding the display of the new likes system (the location of the buttons on PhpBB2, the location of the buttons depending on the position of the profile in the messages and a few others ...)

Also, a small improvement in functionality has been made, namely a login pop-up for guests clicking on the like button, which invites them to log in or join the forum to be able to react to the post.


Additional changes have been made to the templates for this update.

If you have already made the changes published before, you only have to add new changes (highlighted in red in our guide above) in addition to those already made. Don't forget the new modifications in the overall_header template for the connection pop-up for the guests.

If your templates are personalized but you have not changed them with the update of June 22, 2020, you must make all the modifications indicated for your version, in their entirety.
The Godfather
The Godfather

Posts : 5376
Reputation : 847

SLGray, TonnyKamper, trajce, Paulostge, Bigtuber and tikky like this post

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Discover the new Like and Dislike system of Forumotion Empty Re: Discover the new Like and Dislike system of Forumotion

Post by The Godfather June 30th 2020, 11:00 am

Dear users, we have now added a login pop-up for guests clicking on the like button for Mobile Modern and AwesomeBB.

In order for this login pop-up to work optimally on the forum, administrators who have customized the template overall_header in Mobile Modern & AwesomeBB versions must absolutely take the listed modifications into account.
The Godfather
The Godfather

Posts : 5376
Reputation : 847

SLGray, SarkZKalie, TonnyKamper, Jucarese, trajce, K7BO, kitamurakou94 and unownus like this post

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