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Discover the new option Servimg Premium in Forumotion packages

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Discover the new option Servimg Premium in Forumotion packages Empty Discover the new option Servimg Premium in Forumotion packages

Post by Luzz March 5th 2024, 2:43 pm

New: Discover the new option Servimg Premium in Forumotion packages

Dear Forumotion users,

Forumotion has just added to our packages  Discover the new option Servimg Premium in Forumotion packages 857436672 and  Discover the new option Servimg Premium in Forumotion packages 312592876 a new option: Servimg Premium.

What is the Servimg Premium option?

Subscribing to Servimg Premium allows all members of your forum to benefit from several advantages when hosting images via the text editor, such as:

  • Drag & Drop: up to 25 simultaneous sends (basically limited to 3).
  • Optional image processing (ideal for preserving the original quality and transparent background of images in PNG format).
  • Maximum size accepted per photo: up to 32 MB.
  • Possibility of removing links to the Servimg website on images.

Please note, do not confuse the Servimg Premium and Servimg Pro services.

 The Servimg Premium option is managed by the founder of the forum and gives certain advantages to all forum members, for uploads via the forum only.

Servimg PRO is the paid version of a particular Servimg account (see the advantages here).

Activation of Servimg Premium

To be able to subscribe to Servimg Premium it is required to have an active package ( Discover the new option Servimg Premium in Forumotion packages 857436672 or  Discover the new option Servimg Premium in Forumotion packages 312592876 )

Like the removal of advertising, the addition of the Servimg Premium option can be done either when subscribing to a package, or later, once the package has been subscribed.

  • If you choose the option when activating the package, the price of the package is automatically recalculated taking into account the addition. You can take a package with the Servimg Premium option from this page:

Administration panel  Misc  Credits management - Forumotion Packages
Discover the new option Servimg Premium in Forumotion packages Servim11

  • If you wish to add the Servimg Premium option to a package already activated, the forum will calculate the number of credits necessary, in proportion to the activation time remaining in your current package, in order to have an expiration date for Servimg Premium in sync with that of your package.

To activate the Servimg Premium option on a forum already subscribed to a package, go to this page:

Administration panel  Misc  Credits management  Summary & Management - Servimg Premium

Hoping that this new feature pleases your members,
see you soon !

Your Forumotion Team king


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