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Some limits of Forumotion forum

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Important Some limits of Forumotion forum

Post by Ape 15/9/2020, 11:26

Some limits of Forumotion forum

Some limits of your Forumotion forums

Here is a non exhaustive list of the approximate limits of the forums. Please note that it is not possible to modify any of these limits.

Arrow Messages of the forum:
Gizmo wrote:The basic capacity for all the forums is 8 million messages, it can be increased to 4 billion if you exceed it...

Arrow Subjects of the forum:
Gizmo wrote:The basic capacity for the subjects is 65,000, which can be increased to 8 million... then to 4 billion...

Arrow Messages in a subject: 990 messages (once the limit reached, the subject is locked and splitted)

Arrow Categories/Forums/Sub-forums: 999

Arrow Avatar Gallery: 30 avatars

Arrow Smilies: 255 (Including the 94 smilies by default) image size 180x180px with a weight of 256kb, Updated: 28.06.2022

Arrow Portal Modules: 119 modules in addition of the available ones (News, Recent_topic, Search, Poll, Who is online, Statistics)

Arrow Topic icons: 25 in addition to the default ones (Normal-Sticky-Anouncement)

Arrow Characters in the messages: 65,000 characters (Including spaces)

Arrow Characters in the description of a category: 255 characters

Arrow Characters in the title of a topic: 255 characters

Arrow Groups: 32 groups

Arrow Ranks: 225 ranks

Arrow Characters in "Rank Title": 255 characters (Including spaces) Updated: 08.30.2021

Arrow Characters in "Site Name": 96 characters (Including spaces)

Arrow Characters in "Site Description": 255 characters (Including spaces)

Arrow Characters in Forum address: 20 characters

Arrow Characters in personnalized Topic icons: 15 characters

Arrow Characters in Signatures: 255 characters

Arrow Characters in Profile labels: 50 characters

Arrow HTML Pages: 500 pages

Arrow Characters in HTML pages: 65,000 characters

Arrow Number of Points: 2,147,483,647

Arrow Number of member in a group to send its a mass private message: 1000 members

Arrow The profile fields 30.000 characters Updated: 06.03.2022

Arrow Profile awards limit's: 250 badges.

Last edited by Ape on 3/5/2023, 16:47; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Updated 03/05/23)

Some limits of Forumotion forum Left1212Some limits of Forumotion forum Center11Some limits of Forumotion forum Right112
Some limits of Forumotion forum Ape_b110
Some limits of Forumotion forum Ape1010

Male Posts : 19548
Reputation : 2018
Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

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