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New: Add a unique and personalized question to block SPAM

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New: Add a unique and personalized question to block SPAM Empty New: Add a unique and personalized question to block SPAM

Post by The Godfather December 31st 2020, 3:13 pm

New feature: Add a unique and personalized question to block SPAM

Dear Forumotion users,

We have received a few complaints about SPAM emails received by some members. The technique of spammers consists of using the contact form present on the vast majority of Forumotion forums.

The most drastic solution to block this SPAM is to deactivate the contact form. However, this form is very useful and we strongly advise against doing so.

This is why we have added an anti-spam solution to effectively protect the contact form: the addition of a personalized question. You have the possibility to add a unique and personalized question according to the topic of your forum for example.

To do this, go to the administration panel then in General > Messages and emails > Emails and contact > Contact form:

New: Add a unique and personalized question to block SPAM Pa10

Once the question and its answer have been completed, it then appears on the contact form and it is mandatory to answer it to validate the sending of the message via the contact form:

New: Add a unique and personalized question to block SPAM Front10

Some tips to ensure the effectiveness of this SPAM protection system:

  • Do not put too basic calculations or questions. SPAM software is designed to answer this type of question.
  • Change the question from time to time or if you receive SPAM again.
  • Fill in a question that is not too complex and / or pointed, otherwise you risk blocking users in addition to spammers.

We hope you will share our opinion on the usefulness of this improvement,

See you soon, your Forumotion team.
The Godfather
The Godfather

Posts : 5372
Reputation : 847

skouliki, Ape, SLGray, cassini, Niko, Mpampoulas, SarkZKalie and like this post

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