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New: Group tags are now available

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New: Group tags are now available Empty New: Group tags are now available

Post by The Godfather August 13th 2021, 10:22 am

Tag groups in your forum

Dear users,

Many of you use user tags on your forums to personally notify a member by mentioning him in a message. To enrich this feature, we have just launched group tags.

It is now possible to notify a group, that is to say all the members present in it. Provided that you have enabled and configured the feature in the administration panel of your forum beforehand (General > Messages and emails > Configuration > Allow groups tags).

Group tags are particularly useful for notifying multiple members as needed. For example on the support forum if I post a message for the attention of the graphics team, I can tag the group @Forumotion Graphic Designers.

To give you an idea, here's what it looks like on the AwesomeBB version:

1/ I search and select the group(s) to tag via the editor:

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2/ Once the message is published, a group's tag looks like this on AwesomeBB:

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3/ As a member of the group, I receive a notification:

New: Group tags are now available En410

Consider clearing your browser cache if you experience visual issues with group tags. If you do not receive any notification in the toolbar or by push notification, also remember to check the notification preferences of your profile.

We hope that this little novelty will please your members,

Looking forward to present you our new updates,
Your Forumotion Team king

The Godfather
The Godfather

Posts : 5317
Reputation : 844

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