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How can I give a specific user a different colored avatar border ("everywhere")?

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Solved How can I give a specific user a different colored avatar border ("everywhere")?

Post by Friendly Toucan March 23rd 2023, 3:03 pm

bye Hello,

I am currently using this code:

.postprofile dt a[href="/u###"] img { border-color: #ffffff; }

This changes the color of the border in posts/threads.

How can I change it in all other places (except memberlist)? Like the big avatar in "profile pages", the smaller ones in the "friends section", and in the "users who participated in thread"-section, and so on... Question

Friendly Toucan
Friendly Toucan

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Solved Re: How can I give a specific user a different colored avatar border ("everywhere")?

Post by tikky March 23rd 2023, 3:22 pm

Hello @Friendly Toucan,

The easy way to do is
a[href="/u###"]:not(.profile-icon) img { border-color: #ffffff; }
#memberlist a[href="/u###"] img { border-width: 0 !important; }
In profile and others parts it's difficult with css

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Solved Re: How can I give a specific user a different colored avatar border ("everywhere")?

Post by Friendly Toucan March 24th 2023, 1:55 am


Thanks for trying to help, too bad that code didn't really change any additional borders than the code I was already using. :/

pedxz wrote:In profile and others parts it's difficult with css

"Difficult", meaning it's still possible? blackeye

I also tried:

img[src*="the-user's-avatar.png"] { border-color: #ffffff; }

This also changed the border of the big avatar in the profile page. Still haven't figured out how to do this for the avatars in the "friends section", and the avatars in "who participated in topic"-section. Exclamation
Friendly Toucan
Friendly Toucan

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Solved Re: How can I give a specific user a different colored avatar border ("everywhere")?

Post by tikky March 24th 2023, 2:36 am

Friendly Toucan wrote:Thanks for trying to help, too bad that code didn't really change any additional borders than the code I was already using. :/
Other than the posted code from the first message I don't know what was added. The forum is closed for guests which complicates

pedxz wrote:In profile and others parts it's difficult with css

"Difficult", meaning it's still possible? blackeye
Ya by editing template, using a script or do what you have done below and use the image as a reference

This also changed the border of the big avatar in the profile page. Still haven't figured out how to do this for the avatars in the "friends section", and the avatars in "who participated in topic"-section. Exclamation
a[href="/u###"] > .avatar > img {
    border-color: red !important;

[title="USERNAME"].poster::before {
    border-color: red !important;
by the username

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Solved Re: How can I give a specific user a different colored avatar border ("everywhere")?

Post by Razor12345 March 24th 2023, 10:06 am

Good afternoon!

1) I suggest using another property:

img[src="IMAGE LINK"] {
  border: 5px solid red;


How can I give a specific user a different colored avatar border ("everywhere")? Screen56

How can I give a specific user a different colored avatar border ("everywhere")? Screen55

How can I give a specific user a different colored avatar border ("everywhere")? Screen54

2) I can also suggest a way of defining the image with "alt":

img[alt="Admin"], img[alt="test 1-14"] {
  border: 5px solid red;

The 'alt' value of an avatar is either a nickname or a randomly generated value:

How can I give a specific user a different colored avatar border ("everywhere")? Screen58

How can I give a specific user a different colored avatar border ("everywhere")? Screen57

You need to check your 'alt' value

The standard border design will have priority in the users list. Otherwise, you can use this code to remove the borders:

a.tooltipstered img {
  border: none;
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Solved Re: How can I give a specific user a different colored avatar border ("everywhere")?

Post by Friendly Toucan March 24th 2023, 5:59 pm

Hello again,

The border color is now changed in all different avatar locations.

Big thanks to all who helped! Very Happy

Marking this as "solved".
Friendly Toucan
Friendly Toucan

Posts : 243
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Solved Re: How can I give a specific user a different colored avatar border ("everywhere")?

Post by Ape March 24th 2023, 6:12 pm

Problem solved & topic archived.
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How can I give a specific user a different colored avatar border ("everywhere")? Ape1010

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