Allow Members to add events to calender...? [Solved] Hitskin_logo

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2 posters

    Allow Members to add events to calender...? [Solved]


    Female Posts : 220
    Reputation : 7
    Language : english

    Allow Members to add events to calender...? [Solved] Empty Allow Members to add events to calender...? [Solved]

    Post by Hayley June 14th 2008, 11:12 am

    Hi all,

    Hoping someone can explain to me how to allow my members to add an event to the calender?
    I know in the FAQ's it says go to permissions, then on the line that says 'calender' click on 'mem'...
    but it doesnt actually have a line that says 'calender', and it doesnt say mem, anywhere...

    thanks in advance, looking forward to letting everyone else add there own events, I am tired of it lol.


    Male Posts : 6106
    Reputation : 264
    Language : Romanian, English
    Location : Bucharest, Romania

    Allow Members to add events to calender...? [Solved] Empty Re: Allow Members to add events to calender...? [Solved]

    Post by Luky June 14th 2008, 12:50 pm

    You can do this by going to admin panel=>Forum=>Permissions=>Categories and forums and click on a forum.On the next page click on the "Advanced Mode" button at the bottom of the page(if you don;t see it it means you are already using advanced mode. Then look for this option "Create an event (calendar)" and check this box for Members. Then click the save button. Repeat this, for every forum that you want to allow members to be able to create an event in the calendar.

    Female Posts : 220
    Reputation : 7
    Language : english

    Allow Members to add events to calender...? [Solved] Empty Re: Allow Members to add events to calender...? [Solved]

    Post by Hayley June 14th 2008, 2:07 pm

    WOOO HOOO thankyoooooo!
    What a legend!
    Problem solved! Many thanks,


    Male Posts : 6106
    Reputation : 264
    Language : Romanian, English
    Location : Bucharest, Romania

    Allow Members to add events to calender...? [Solved] Empty Re: Allow Members to add events to calender...? [Solved]

    Post by Luky June 14th 2008, 9:11 pm

    You're welcome.Since this topic appears to be solved, I will lock it and mark it as solved.