Adding events to the calender WITHOUT a thread... Hitskin_logo

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    Adding events to the calender WITHOUT a thread...

    New Member

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    Adding events to the calender WITHOUT a thread... Empty Adding events to the calender WITHOUT a thread...

    Post by norledge 24/6/2010, 17:21

    Hi all...

    I want to add events to my calender WITHOUT linking to a thread in the forum...

    Is this possiable?

    Male Posts : 48766
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    Location : Mumbai

    Adding events to the calender WITHOUT a thread... Empty Re: Adding events to the calender WITHOUT a thread...

    Post by Sanket 25/6/2010, 04:14

    Nopes, it isn't.

    Posts : 111
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    Language : English

    Adding events to the calender WITHOUT a thread... Empty Re: Adding events to the calender WITHOUT a thread...

    Post by Prince1004 25/6/2010, 20:27

    I found a nice alternative.

    Go to, make an account, and then make a calendar.

    Then go to your Administrator Panel then General then Calendar (Under the Template section) then click calendar_box and then erase the code in the field and copy and paste the HTML code for the calendar you made on the Localendar site.

    And make sure you click the green arrow after you safe the template.

    If you need help PM me.

    Male Posts : 287
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    Language : English
    Location : Tennessee, USA

    Adding events to the calender WITHOUT a thread... Empty Re: Adding events to the calender WITHOUT a thread...

    Post by that70sguy92 25/6/2010, 20:28

    Prince1004 wrote:I found a nice alternative.

    Go to, make an account, and then make a calendar.

    Then go to your Administrator Panel then General then Calendar (Under the Template section) then click calendar_box and then erase the code in the field and copy and paste the HTML code for the calendar you made on the Localendar site.

    And make sure you click the green arrow after you safe the template.

    If you need help PM me.
    I had been looking for this as well. Thank you so much!