Am I allowed a wanted & for sale section? Hitskin_logo

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2 posters

    Am I allowed a wanted & for sale section?

    Minnie Moo
    Minnie Moo

    Female Posts : 70
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    Location : UK

    Am I allowed a wanted & for sale section? Empty Am I allowed a wanted & for sale section?

    Post by Minnie Moo February 18th 2007, 11:03 pm

    Hi there,
    My members have asked me if we can have a "For sale & wanted" section on my forum..
    Are we allowed to do this? I would place a disclaimer on the forum saying that the management accept no responsibilty for sales and transactions between members and they would have to conduct their business via pm.

    Is this allowed?
    Minnie Moo
    Minnie Moo

    Female Posts : 70
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    Location : UK

    Am I allowed a wanted & for sale section? Empty Re: Am I allowed a wanted & for sale section?

    Post by Minnie Moo February 20th 2007, 12:04 am

    Well its been 24 hours since my last post and I'm just wondering if any of the admin team are going to answer my question please??
    I don't just want to go ahead with it, and find out it's not allowed by edit board.

    I'd really appreciate a reply please Rolling Eyes

    Posts : 2078
    Reputation : 15

    Am I allowed a wanted & for sale section? Empty Re: Am I allowed a wanted & for sale section?

    Post by Tristou February 20th 2007, 12:17 am

    i will ask my french colleagues of the juridicial service Wink
    Minnie Moo
    Minnie Moo

    Female Posts : 70
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    Location : UK

    Am I allowed a wanted & for sale section? Empty Re: Am I allowed a wanted & for sale section?

    Post by Minnie Moo February 20th 2007, 12:30 am

    Thank you Tristou, I really appreciate it thumleft

    Posts : 2078
    Reputation : 15

    Am I allowed a wanted & for sale section? Empty Re: Am I allowed a wanted & for sale section?

    Post by Tristou February 20th 2007, 9:42 am

    I have the answer of my french colleague (and thanks to Caihlem for the translation ^^)


    It is possible to ave a section for sales and announces on your forum. The best is to precise that :

    • It's a service given freely, meaning no charges to be paid Wink
    • The administration team isn't responsable in the eventuality of any probems

    You can also add the following clauses:

    • Commerce isn't allowed, notably for professionels
    • Biddings are not authorised
    • The deposit of commercial links is not tolerated

    Just as in the rest of the forum, the administration team is in the obligation to removed any illicit material which dosn't respect the terms and services of EditBoard
    Minnie Moo
    Minnie Moo

    Female Posts : 70
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English
    Location : UK

    Am I allowed a wanted & for sale section? Empty Re: Am I allowed a wanted & for sale section?

    Post by Minnie Moo February 20th 2007, 11:04 pm

    Thank you so much Tristou, you are wonderful Wink