[Only-Topic] chatbox bug after the update - Page 12 Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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    [Only-Topic] chatbox bug after the update


    [Only-Topic] chatbox bug after the update - Page 12 Empty [Only-Topic] chatbox bug after the update

    Post by Guest September 17th 2008, 11:48 am

    First topic message reminder :

    uesr list background colour as gone and the messages background colour as gone crazy too

    [Only-Topic] chatbox bug after the update - Page 12 Chatbox

    [Only-Topic] chatbox bug after the update - Page 12 Empty Re: [Only-Topic] chatbox bug after the update

    Post by Guest October 5th 2008, 1:32 pm

    Chat still not working correctly users disconnecting even as they are typing, no away feature just going straight to disconnect.
    There is an obvious code error yet after 2 weeks we are still no nearer to it being fixed.
    The disconnect is now the most serious error for firefox users, when will it be fixed?
    A bit of staff input would be nice on this as it is getting beyond a joke.
    New Member

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    [Only-Topic] chatbox bug after the update - Page 12 Empty Re: [Only-Topic] chatbox bug after the update

    Post by MasterTzu October 5th 2008, 4:24 pm

    Oh yes, ban the intolerant people who are utterly frustrated with the staff and ready to take their forums elsewhere because no one is listening to our problems. *rolls eyes* Wonderful way to deal with the problems at hand.

    Here is the truth of the matter, oh great and awesome forumotion staff, we have lost confidence in your ability to host a web forum. Countless members have requested multiple times that you simply revert back from this most recent "upgrade" because of all the problems it's caused with the chatbox, the CSS, and all sorts of other weird glitches that were nonexistent prior to said "upgrade". We have asked time and again why this cannot be done and gotten no response. We have been told time and time again that "this issue is fixed" when it hasn't been. There are posts and posts and posts from 10-12 members about an issue, tons of screenshots included, and the latest response is "Give me a screenshot."

    And during the time that this chatbox problem has been going on, I've watched as countless support threads in all the forums go unnoticed, unresponded to, and completely unsolved. Not that it wasn't happening before the update. I have had a support thread up for over 3 weeks about an issue with a widget that has been present for over a year. Do a search on "character sheet" and go ahead, take a look, same problem over a year, 3 or 4 posts about it, all unresponded to. You call this support? It's no wonder people are starting to get rude with you, look at it from OUR perspective.

    To the average forumotion member who has been visiting this forum for the last month, the staff appear to be a) rude, b) ignorant, c) uncaring, d) pathalogical liars, and e) lazy. I'm not saying this to be uncivil, I'm simply addressing it to you because it's the impression you are giving off. You poke around a few forums and lock up topics that may or may not be solved, post solutions like "this isn't a problem, it's how we meant it to be," ingnore half of the posts in the support forum, tell us problems are fixed that aren't, and can't give us any updates on what's actually being done from the tech side or why things can't be done, etc.

    Do none of the actual techs speak English? Is there any reason why a TECH can't get on here and start responding to some of these issues? I think quite a good deal of us forumoton members are quite competent enough to understand what's going on from a technical level. In fact, I'd rather personally speak with the techs on any issue I presented. So why do we have to relay everything through the staff, and only the issues that the staff decides they want to bother with get relayed to the techs at all? It's a load of crap. Get the techs onto this forum, get the techs here now, get the techs responding to the issues, get the techs to fix this crap, or I guarantee you that this site is going to lose member after member after member to every other free forum hosting site that's out there, because your members are getting fed up!

    Female Posts : 220
    Reputation : 7
    Language : english

    [Only-Topic] chatbox bug after the update - Page 12 Empty Re: [Only-Topic] chatbox bug after the update

    Post by Hayley October 5th 2008, 4:35 pm

    [quote="MasterTzu"]Oh yes, ban the intolerant people who are utterly frustrated with the staff and ready to take their forums elsewhere because no one is listening to our problems. *rolls eyes* Wonderful way to deal with the problems at hand.

    To the average forumotion member who has been visiting this forum for the last month, the staff appear to be a) rude, b) ignorant, c) uncaring, d) pathalogical liars, and e) lazy. I'm not saying this to be uncivil, I'm simply addressing it to you because it's the impression you are giving off. You poke around a few forums and lock up topics that may or may not be solved, post solutions like "this isn't a problem, it's how we meant it to be," ingnore half of the posts in the support forum, tell us problems are fixed that aren't, and can't give us any updates on what's actually being done from the tech side or why things can't be done, etc.

    I totally agree! I have had nothing but problems. I try to get some help and they say to me, 'you are getting a free forum, with no adds, bla bla bla!'
    They spend all their time in the graphics section, telling people off with their 'holier than thou' attitude but yet cant help out with the chat box problem, or the latest problem with the meta tags that is being completely ignored! We are really at their mercy, we cant do anything about it or they will just ban us and there goes our forums that are NOT free, and that we have spent hours and hours on end putting together.
    The only way to get some help or attention is to do something that warrents them telling you off.
    Get some manners Moderators, we are sick and tired!

    Male Posts : 8969
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    [Only-Topic] chatbox bug after the update - Page 12 Empty Re: [Only-Topic] chatbox bug after the update

    Post by Caihlem October 5th 2008, 6:02 pm

    MasterTzu wrote:Oh great and awesome forumotion staff

    I hear thee, oh humble member bowing down to my greatness

    we have lost confidence in your ability to host a web forum

    Alas, we are not the techies, we can't do anything outside this forum

    For my own cause, I'm not on much because access to a computer has become quite difficult. To be perfectly honest, I'm kind of aggravated that I need to pay to get insulted Wink

    If you choose to leave, then please do so Wink
    As pre-mentionned, we are NOT the technicians, nor are we given the most recent information. I'd say "if you want, contact them here" and point where to, but they've figured out means of not being here and leaving the mess to us.
    We aren't payed to be here and we help you because it's what we want to do. Now I'm sorry if we cannot provide answers if we do not know them ourselves.

    For the ban count, we don't ban people who don't agree with us, we ban those who disturb the forum, those who can't read a few lines of very simple rules.
    If I were to follow your judgements about me, I'd ban you both. I'd ban many members to say the truth.
    But sorry, all I'll be doing is locking this topic because
    > It's not going anywhere (can't give answers we don't have)
    > Someone'll come, insult us directly and get banned (vicious circle)

    I'd also say that if you wanted to continue this discussion, my P.M box is wide open, but as said before, my access is limited and therefore my P.M box is closed. You can always contact Typlo however, who is in direct relationship with the techies.
    They aren't here because Yes, none of them speak English. At the same time, that's why Typlo is here, to be a link between you and them.

    => Lock

    Male Posts : 16217
    Reputation : 1832
    Language : French, English

    [Only-Topic] chatbox bug after the update - Page 12 Empty Re: [Only-Topic] chatbox bug after the update

    Post by Shadow October 6th 2008, 10:02 am

    runawayhorses wrote:Heres a screenshot of my chatbox as well, it has the same exact problem with the border as Rioghal's shatbox does:

    [Only-Topic] chatbox bug after the update - Page 12 Chatboxss

    MY forum URL:


    Regarding this display issue it's encountered for people having a personalized CSS.

    You need to modify this in your CSS :

    In the class : .forabg
    Delete the lign : height: 1px;

    We are working on the logout issue too, but it's taking some time to find the specific cause, but please be sure that they are working hard to get all last bugs fixed Wink