How Do I Make It So That People Can Change The Topic Name Color? Hitskin_logo

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    How Do I Make It So That People Can Change The Topic Name Color?

    YouTube Master
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    How Do I Make It So That People Can Change The Topic Name Color? Empty How Do I Make It So That People Can Change The Topic Name Color?

    Post by YouTube Master October 6th 2008, 12:44 am

    Can someone please help me?
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    How Do I Make It So That People Can Change The Topic Name Color? Empty Re: How Do I Make It So That People Can Change The Topic Name Color?

    Post by Carryn October 6th 2008, 1:23 am

    General >messages and Email
    in the MESSAGES box "allow topic titles color"
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    How Do I Make It So That People Can Change The Topic Name Color? Empty hey same problem

    Post by samuelcaleb October 6th 2008, 10:38 am

    hello guys could u answer this question how to add...i think some one also having the same doubt....


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