How do I make it so when people view the forum it doesn't just say 'last post by' it says the topic aswell Hitskin_logo

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    How do I make it so when people view the forum it doesn't just say 'last post by' it says the topic aswell

    New Member

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    Solved How do I make it so when people view the forum it doesn't just say 'last post by' it says the topic aswell

    Post by Addiction December 25th 2008, 10:46 am

    Please help

    Male Posts : 179
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    Location : Cambodia

    Solved Re: How do I make it so when people view the forum it doesn't just say 'last post by' it says the topic aswell

    Post by magic_cupid December 25th 2008, 12:21 pm

    ok you can do it by go to admin panal > display > homepage > Structure and hierarchy > Hierarchy > Show the last topic titles on index : > yes > save

    hope it help you Wink
    New Member

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    Solved Re: How do I make it so when people view the forum it doesn't just say 'last post by' it says the topic aswell

    Post by Addiction December 25th 2008, 3:06 pm

    Thanks very much merry christmas

    Male Posts : 6106
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    Location : Bucharest, Romania

    Solved Re: How do I make it so when people view the forum it doesn't just say 'last post by' it says the topic aswell

    Post by Luky December 25th 2008, 10:51 pm

    Since this topic appears to be solved, I will lock it and mark it as solved.