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chat box keeps jumping

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Solved chat box keeps jumping

Post by Ape October 27th 2008, 6:11 pm

Hi can some one tell me wht the chat box in my site keeps jumping ?

its when you get more than 6 lines in it then as the scroll bar gets smaller it jumps to the top of the page and then back down again it is getting to p**s me off as each time it duz it we have to scroll down again to the part wher we are chatting to see ehat the other have put
can some one fix it of do i have to go back to the other chat box i made in my site befor ?

maybe it should get sent to the tec's now not in 6 weeks time

Last edited by Nessa on October 29th 2008, 5:34 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Edit: To Mark Topic as Solved)

Male Posts : 19212
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Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

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Solved Re: chat box keeps jumping

Post by s-087 October 27th 2008, 9:25 pm

idk, but can you tell me how make a chatbox?
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Solved Re: chat box keeps jumping

Post by kirk October 28th 2008, 4:52 am

ape man wrote:Hi can some one tell me wht the chat box in my site keeps jumping ?

its when you get more than 6 lines in it then as the scroll bar gets smaller it jumps to the top of the page and then back down again it is getting to p**s me off as each time it duz it we have to scroll down again to the part where we are chatting to see what the other have put
can some one fix it of do i have to go back to the other chat box i made in my site before ?

maybe it should get sent to the tec's now not in 6 weeks time

yea this has bin a problem for people for a long time.i dont know what it is but forumotion seem to bin haveing a lot of glitches with the chat box. they are aware of this and have fixed it in the past.but it seems to keep coming back?

if it's really bothering you that much? i would suggest just google chat boxs for forums. you can find a lot of diff free ones to use. some have some pretty cool options it all depends what you go with. i notice more and more people using other chat boxes on there forums lately.
i my self use and use the forums box at the bottom of the page.

s-087 wrote:idk, but can you tell me how make a chat-box?

just go to admin panel>Modules>chat-box then (configurations)

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Solved Re: chat box keeps jumping

Post by s-087 October 28th 2008, 3:25 pm

thx now i have fix it
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Solved Re: chat box keeps jumping

Post by melodiccolor October 29th 2008, 2:23 am

Would you tell me how you fixed it? One of our members had that problem last weekend and had to switch servers from firefox to safari to fix it.

It would be helpful to know other ways to do so, so I can help my members should the problem reoccure.

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Solved Re: chat box keeps jumping

Post by Ape October 29th 2008, 2:56 am

Thank you for your help kirk i have a set of chat rooms on my site that are free but wanted the chat box as well on the main part of my forum
but as its not working that well i think i will remove it again
but thank you anyway Very Happy

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Male Posts : 19212
Reputation : 1998
Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

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Solved Re: chat box keeps jumping

Post by Nessa October 29th 2008, 5:33 am

Since this problem appears to be self resolved, I will lock this topic now.

=> Locked


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