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4 posters

    Ranks for Admins

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    Ranks for Admins Empty Ranks for Admins

    Post by Unia December 20th 2008, 3:31 pm


    I'm sure this one was asked before, but I couldn't find anything.

    I want to add ranks to admins too (on my forum there is for example a rank called "Beginner", after a user reached 25 posts).
    But after an admin has 25 posts, it just displayes "Admin" on the profile.
    How can I do something so that, after an admin has 25 posts it will show on the profile both ranks: Beginner and Admin? Thanks a lot

    Male Posts : 10386
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    Ranks for Admins Empty Re: Ranks for Admins

    Post by Base December 20th 2008, 3:46 pm

    Hello Unia,

    I'm afraid that there's no option for that at the moment. Wink


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    Ranks for Admins Empty Re: Ranks for Admins

    Post by Unia December 20th 2008, 3:47 pm

    Ok, thanks Smile
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    Ranks for Admins Empty Re: Ranks for Admins

    Post by hhhgame December 20th 2008, 7:04 pm

    Admins are considered as special ranks, and you cannot make adjustments so that after 25 posts it will change rank, it is not possible right now

    normal members can be assigned new ranks as the no of posts progresses
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    Ranks for Admins Empty Re: Ranks for Admins

    Post by Carryn December 20th 2008, 8:10 pm

    You could of course add more than one rank to the admin,
    but you have to do it manually, it won't update depending on the #of posts as stated above.
    But if you want to keep track of it and add more ranks, you can do it.
    just use the break code
    when you put in the rank titles
    EX: rank titile
    would show as:
