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Scrolling announcements

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Scrolling announcements Empty Scrolling announcements

Post by Shadow Fri 13 Mar - 11:52

Scrolling announcements

Scrolling announcements

It displays announcements in the form of text or images, on portal, forum, or all pages of the forum.
They can either scroll or not, as you wish.

Announcements can scroll left, right, up or down at speeds decided by the Admin. In addition, they may also mark a time-out and the Admin can also define the horizontal or vertical space between each listing.

How to create a scrolling announcement ?

To activate them >> General >> messages & emails >> announcements >> activate announcements >> yes.[/b]

Scrolling announcements 17032025

Scrolling announcements 17032026
Enter a title and content to your announcement :

Scrolling announcements 17032027

After validation, your announcement will appear in the listing (there is no limit in the number of announcements) :

Scrolling announcements 17032028

Enable scrolling announcements and set the system according to your needs :

Scrolling announcements 17032029

Admire the result on your forum ...

Scrolling announcements 17032030



Male Posts : 16208
Reputation : 1832
Language : French, English

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Scrolling announcements Empty Re: Scrolling announcements

Post by Shadow Mon 17 Mar - 16:05

Scrolling announcements
Scrolling announcements

In order to perform the scrolling announcement option, we've made some modifications. By consequence, PunBB & PhpBB2 forums with the modified template: overall_header.tpl must modify the code:



<!-- BEGIN switch_ticker -->
   $(document).ready(function() {           
         height : {switch_ticker.HEIGHT},
         spacing : {switch_ticker.SPACING},
         speed : {switch_ticker.SPEED},
         direction : '{switch_ticker.DIRECTION}',
         pause : {switch_ticker.STOP_TIME}
<!-- END switch_ticker -->


Male Posts : 16208
Reputation : 1832
Language : French, English

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