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Drop-Down List

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Tutorial Drop-Down List

Post by Rok March 29th 2009, 5:53 pm

Add a Drop-Down List to your Forum

Drop-Down List

Drop-down lists are used for users to pick a few optional selections of where to navigate to a site. They can be used for purchasing payments, forum redirections, different sites, etc.

Here is a screenshot of a drop-down list :

drop - Drop-Down List Drop-d10


drop - Drop-Down List Drop-d11

The code for a drop-down list is :
<div id="EchoTopic">
<form name="jump2">
<select name="menu" onchange="[].value;" value="GO">
<option value="">TITLE OF DROP-DOWN LIST HERE</option>
<option value="LINK HERE">SELECTION TITLE HERE</option>
<option value="LINK HERE">SELECTION TITLE HERE</option>


The code will format just like the drop-down list in my examples above.

Last edited by Rok on March 29th 2009, 6:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

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