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3 posters

    roster for clan members

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    roster for clan members Empty roster for clan members

    Post by -=BRO=-mpd34 July 15th 2009, 3:00 pm

    Hello, I hope this is the right place if not I am sorry. It is possible to create a clan roster. I have created one using simple HTML page but is there another way for a more grahic one.

    Thank you.

    P.S. If so, is there a tutorial out there.

    Male Posts : 2114
    Reputation : 14
    Language : Currently, I am receiving support requests by P.M. Support requests, which can, and should, be done in the support section.
    Location : Oregon, USA

    roster for clan members Empty Re: roster for clan members

    Post by Mehtevas July 15th 2009, 5:18 pm

    This should be in the support section Wink

    Male Posts : 6113
    Reputation : 223
    Language : English,Polish,CSS,HTML
    Location : Poland

    roster for clan members Empty Re: roster for clan members

    Post by Jalokim July 15th 2009, 5:40 pm

    this is the wrong section.

    if you have made your roster via html then thats the best you can get,,,

    now just make your html nicer my adding graphics and/or css