I want to make a new Team Roster (Members List) Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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2 posters

    I want to make a new Team Roster (Members List)


    Posts : 32
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English

    I want to make a new Team Roster (Members List) Empty I want to make a new Team Roster (Members List)

    Post by xxxTristamxxx Sun 8 Mar 2009 - 21:43

    I want to make my own Roster instead of the Members List because I find the Members list is not customizable at all. So I was wondering if there is a way to link PM from the old Members Lists to the New Members list? Can this be done and how?

    Male Posts : 6823
    Reputation : 234
    Language : idk

    I want to make a new Team Roster (Members List) Empty Re: I want to make a new Team Roster (Members List)

    Post by Rok Sun 8 Mar 2009 - 21:53

    You can always create your own informational usage inside of an HTML page. You can also have that HTML page set as a Navigation button on your NavBar. To accomplish both of these objectives, read my tutorial on how to have any widget on Navigation bar- although you are not referring to widgets, skip the information on the widgets and navigate through on how to 'create an html page' and how to 'add that html page ('widget' on the tutorial) on the Navigation Bar'.
