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3 posters



    Female Posts : 91
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English

    Spammer! Empty Spammer!

    Post by jenny August 7th 2009, 9:23 pm

    There is a serious spammer on my forum.. his username on here was Swimmin2, and he's made so many accounts like this:

    Spammer! Greatss

    Spammer! Spam

    (I changed the "Username" one because the origional name was uncalled for.)

    I keep baning his emails.. his IP address fails to show because he makes no posts.. idk what to do Sad

    Male Posts : 2487
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    Spammer! Empty Re: Spammer!

    Post by KingOfSports August 7th 2009, 9:33 pm

    I have the same problem to a smaller degree.

    Female Posts : 6203
    Reputation : 128
    Language : English

    Spammer! Empty Re: Spammer!

    Post by Nessa August 7th 2009, 9:37 pm

    Hello Hi Jenny, Ok well I banned Magnum124 & LetItRockPenguin here last night, and I just banned Swimmin2 here now. So there's not much else we can do here but keep banning them if they return as I would recommend you continue to do so as well on your forum.

    Do not let such spammers frighten you, you are in charge of your forum and have every right to handle this matter as you see fit, as we will here as well. Wink

    With that being said there really isn't much else to do in this case..


    =>Issue Addressed
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