My Warning bar Hitskin_logo

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2 posters

    My Warning bar

    Male Posts : 85
    Reputation : 0
    Language : HTML|CSS|WebDesigner|Flash-

    My Warning bar Empty My Warning bar

    Post by September 29th 2009, 6:20 pm

    Hello all Moderators

    i contact Typlo About The Warning bar

    He Say

    typlo wrote:You have to talk to the moderator who warned, it's not my task.

    So is Clear now i am Requesting To Forgive me all The Moderators and The members

    Thank you FM

    Male Posts : 48766
    Reputation : 2830
    Language : English
    Location : Mumbai

    My Warning bar Empty Re: My Warning bar

    Post by Sanket September 29th 2009, 7:41 pm

    You are a already banned member, hence MrMario has your warning bar set to the least.
    If you have anymore questions, contact either MrMario or myself.

    Support forum is not for these questions. Hence, Topic Locked.