Someone Was Logged in as Admin on Our Forum and It Wasn't Either of the Admin? Hitskin_logo

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    Someone Was Logged in as Admin on Our Forum and It Wasn't Either of the Admin?


    Posts : 40
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    Location : King George, Virginia

    Someone Was Logged in as Admin on Our Forum and It Wasn't Either of the Admin? Empty Someone Was Logged in as Admin on Our Forum and It Wasn't Either of the Admin?

    Post by plasticparadise October 22nd 2009, 8:22 pm

    The weirdest thing happened today. Someone was logged in as Admin on our forum and it wasn't either of the admin. WTH? Ugh, that totally freaks me out. How could that happen? I just reset the password afterwards but it was a difficult one to begin with so ugh, wow. Maybe there was a forum glitch somewhere?

    Male Posts : 70
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    Language : Bulgarian, English, Latin

    Someone Was Logged in as Admin on Our Forum and It Wasn't Either of the Admin? Empty Re: Someone Was Logged in as Admin on Our Forum and It Wasn't Either of the Admin?

    Post by Tracian October 22nd 2009, 8:57 pm

    Don't panic. Most probably forumotion has sent a bot reviewing your forum and that bot is logged in as Admin, as Typlo explained in another thread a few days ago. And yet, if such is the case, a prompt reply from the authorities is needed, because it is quite embarrassing when it happens without a notification.

    Posts : 40
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    Language : English
    Location : King George, Virginia

    Someone Was Logged in as Admin on Our Forum and It Wasn't Either of the Admin? Empty Re: Someone Was Logged in as Admin on Our Forum and It Wasn't Either of the Admin?

    Post by plasticparadise October 22nd 2009, 10:47 pm

    Yes, it would have been nice if they had told us it was going to happen but nope -- not even an E-mail. I'm hoping that's what it was and nothing else. Thanks for the info Tracian!

    Female Posts : 375
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    Someone Was Logged in as Admin on Our Forum and It Wasn't Either of the Admin? Empty Re: Someone Was Logged in as Admin on Our Forum and It Wasn't Either of the Admin?

    Post by SophieDophs October 23rd 2009, 12:59 am

    Tracian wrote:Don't panic. Most probably forumotion has sent a bot reviewing your forum and that bot is logged in as Admin, as Typlo explained in another thread a few days ago. And yet, if such is the case, a prompt reply from the authorities is needed, because it is quite embarrassing when it happens without a notification.
    Where is Typlo's post that you're referring to?


    Male Posts : 11037
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    Someone Was Logged in as Admin on Our Forum and It Wasn't Either of the Admin? Empty Re: Someone Was Logged in as Admin on Our Forum and It Wasn't Either of the Admin?

    Post by kirk October 23rd 2009, 4:06 am

    All it is is a bot looking for glitches or bugs due to the forumotion server migration.. it's nothing to freak out over it's a bot it's not spying or anything like that.. forumotion just want the bugs or glitches gone for good.

    so far everthing seems to be back to normal.

    I am not certain exactly what kind of tech stuff it is gathering? but my guess is that it's going through the forums template considering that was where the dsn error where coming from.. but don't quote me on that i am only assuming this.

    but either way it's a good thing this way they will fix any bugs the bot finds Smile

    Male Posts : 70
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    Language : Bulgarian, English, Latin

    Someone Was Logged in as Admin on Our Forum and It Wasn't Either of the Admin? Empty Re: Someone Was Logged in as Admin on Our Forum and It Wasn't Either of the Admin?

    Post by Tracian October 23rd 2009, 11:28 am

    SophieDophs wrote:
    Tracian wrote:Don't panic. Most probably forumotion has sent a bot reviewing your forum and that bot is logged in as Admin, as Typlo explained in another thread a few days ago. And yet, if such is the case, a prompt reply from the authorities is needed, because it is quite embarrassing when it happens without a notification.
    Where is Typlo's post that you're referring to?


    Here it is:

    Typlo wrote:
    thepinkplace wrote:We are missing avatars and smilies too

    Some people can some them, others can't?

    UPDATE - Are you able to log in as ADMIN on my forum?????? I have someone from France logged in as admin on my forum right now???

    When I forward issues to techs, they send a bot through all the forum to check any glitches, and he's logged as an admin. Wink

    And this is the link to Typlo's message: