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Forumotion's Forum Databases

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Forumotion's Forum Databases Empty Forumotion's Forum Databases

Post by Caihlem Wed 22 Aug - 18:55

Forumotion's Forum Databases

Tutorial on the Forum Databases

Definition: A data base (data base or BDD) is a space allowing the mass storage of data in order to exploit them.
The data is stoked on a disc.

The Forum's database belongs to who?
The databases which your forums use are the single property of according to the article L. 341-1 of the law of July 1, 1998 on the protection of databases:

Art. L. 341-1 wrote:« Art. L. 341-1. - The producer of a database, heard like the person who takes the initiative and the risk of the corresponding investments, profits from a protection of the contents of the base when the constitution, the verification or the presentation of this one attests of a financial investment, material, human  or substantial

Can I ask for the restitution of the database of my forum?
No, reserves the right to restore or not a database of a forum to a third according to the article L. 342-1 of the law of July 1, 1998 on the protection of databases:

L. 342-1 wrote:« Art. L. 342-1. - The producer of databases has the right to prohibit:

"1o The extraction, by permanent or temporary transfer of the totality or of a part qualitatively or quantitatively substantial of the contents of a database on another support, by any means and in any form that it is;

"2o the re-use, by the availability of the public of totality or of a part qualitatively or quantitatively substantial of the contents of the base, whatever is the form

The fact of not respecting these rights are by the law punished by up to two years of imprisonment and a fine of 150.000€
In the same way, groups can be declared responsible for these infringements penally.

In the event of repetition the sanctions are doubled.


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