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My smilies have just disappeared! All added smilies are not showing up.

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My smilies have just disappeared!  All added smilies are not showing up. Empty My smilies have just disappeared! All added smilies are not showing up.

Post by cecesaun1 14th July 2010, 02:26

I added a ton of new smilies to my forum, they worked beautifully until today. I was sending out an pm and when I went to add a smilie all that was there were the original ones. All of the added smilies have disappeared.

I checked 'display' 'smilies' and I see that where some were there is just a blank, whereas in other sections everything still exist but the actual picture of the smilie.

Is this a glitch or bug? I have searched and can find no reason why just out of the blue my smilies would just run away from home. Sad

Your help will be greatly appreciated.



Female Posts : 147
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Language : English

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My smilies have just disappeared!  All added smilies are not showing up. Empty Re: My smilies have just disappeared! All added smilies are not showing up.

Post by Rok 14th July 2010, 04:42

Did you back-up your forum after adding the smilies? Also, did you look in the correct group for the smilies?

Male Posts : 6823
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Language : idk

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My smilies have just disappeared!  All added smilies are not showing up. Empty Re: My smilies have just disappeared! All added smilies are not showing up.

Post by cecesaun1 14th July 2010, 13:45

No...I'm not quite sure what you mean by backing up my smilies. I did look into the correct group. I had no problem adding them and they did work for several days. I'm still checking into because they reappeared but then disappeared again.

I will keep you posted.

Thanks for responding!

Female Posts : 147
Reputation : 0
Language : English

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