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    Team BrandFiesta! - Get Paid to Post Forum

    New Member

    Posts : 8
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    Language : English
    Location : New York

    Team BrandFiesta! - Get Paid to Post Forum Empty Team BrandFiesta! - Get Paid to Post Forum

    Post by brandfiesta July 10th 2011, 1:26 am

    Team BrandFiesta! - Get Paid to Post Forum
    language: English
    Category: Computers and Internet

    Team BrandFiesta! Review:
    The website is a familiar discussion forum, but you get paid to discuss. Exclusive to Team BrandFiesta! is a community chests. Every time any member contributes, all members will earn. So you earn when you post and earn when other members post as well. Team BrandFiesta! can also be used as a social networking site where you can make new friends, ask them questions, answer their questions, and meet people from all over the world. You can also upload images and show it to all Team BrandFiesta! members. Steps to earn from Team BrandFiesta! are as follows:

    Register for an account and confirm email address.
    Then login and go to discussions.
    Begin posting and earning.

    Team BrandFiesta! Earning Details:
    Earning type: approx $0.01/ post (question or comment)
    Payment methods: Paypal only
    Minimum payout: every 100 posts
    Payment time: usually within 24 hours of payout request
    Referral program: Yes ($2.00 for each new member)
    Earnings Secrets: Spend 1 hour daily and add 50-100 responses, refer more friends and tell them to be active.

    Team BrandFiesta! Payment Proof:
