The forum of the forums

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The forum of the forums

    Rules of the Forum Promotion section

    Forumotion Bot
    Forumotion Bot
    Forum Bot
    Forum Bot

    Posts : 20
    Reputation : 87
    Language : English
    Location : English Support Forum

    Important Rules of the Forum Promotion section

    Post by Forumotion Bot July 26th 2011, 3:42 am

    Rules of the Forum Promotion section

    Here are the rules of the "Forum promotion" section. Please read them very carefully or your presentation will be removed.

    You can make a presentation proposal in this topic: Forum Presentation Proposals

    It's useless to try and post anywhere else, you are not allowed to do so.

    In this topic Forum Presentation Proposals, you are only allowed to post once to propose your forum.

    You must include these following headings in your proposal:

    1) Choice of Category

    Your choice of category is where you want your presentation to end up. You can view the list of categories here. Please ensure that you state your category accurately to avoid confusion.

    2) Choice of Title

    Your forum title is what you want your topic title to be. We ask that you state something accurate e.g Football Mania and not 'forum about football'. If your title is too obscure then you'll be asked to change it.

    3) Forum Address

    Your forum address is the link to your forum. Please remember that only Forumotion forums are accepted.

    4) Main Language

    Your forum language is the main language spoken on your forum. Please remember that only English forums are allowed.

    5) Forum description

    Your forum description describes your forum. It can be as long or as brief as you'd like.

    If your presentation contains these five headings and that they are suitable, a Manager will move your presentation to the chosen category. This happens within a reasonable period of time (average of 48 hours). If your presentation doesn't respect one or more of the headings mentioned above, then your presentation will be refused and the reason/reasons why it has been refused will be given to you by the Manager.

    Don't forget that the proposal you'll post about your forum will also be the showcase of the forum you're presenting. Make sure that it is precise and that it gives the desire for others to visit your forum and eventually to register. Once your presentation has been accepted, you're free to remove the form that you filled out and replace it with anything else.

    Once your presentation is posted, you must not post in the Forum Presentation Proposals topic.  If a major change occurs on your forum, you can now reply to your presentation topic to notify the modification(s) to everyone.

    Note: Extra messages containing the following subjects will be allowed (Only once per 24 hours) :

    • Staff recruitment
    • Changes in the forum design (new themes, templates etc.)
    • New rules added
    • New forum or new category added
    • Requests for partnership (only once and replies only by PM)
    • News/changes on your forum (new contest, new domain name etc.)

    It is FORBIDDEN to :

    • Post more than once per day in your presentation topic. Consecutive posts must be separated by 24 hours.
    • Post only "up"/"bump".
    • Say that you have "X" new members.
    • Just ask members to register on your forum.
    • Just ask members to take a look at your forum.
    • Just ask members for their advice on your forum.
    • Make a presentation for a forum that has not been created on Forumotion.
    • Post a presentation if you are not at least Administrator on that forum.
    • Promote forums with sexual content.
    • Promote forums that break Forumotion's Terms of Service.

    If you have any comments about a forum or if you want to reply to a request for staff recruitment, then send a PM to the author of that presentation.

    REMINDER: Advertising by PM is forbidden!

    We recommend you use this presentation layout as a complete presentation is always better.

    Forumotion Team

    Updated by Base - January 24, 2015

      Current date/time is September 22nd 2024, 9:21 pm