Invision Drop down. and other help.
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Invision Drop down. and other help.
Last edited by Raze on August 10th 2011, 2:26 am; edited 5 times in total
Raze- Forumember
- Posts : 406
Reputation : 12
Language : English, HTML, CSS
Re: Invision Drop down. and other help.
what code are you useing?
kirk- Forumaster
- Posts : 11037
Reputation : 653
Language : English,Vulcan,Klingon, Romulan,& Gorn
Re: Invision Drop down. and other help.
By code I'm guessing you mean CSS that's the only code I got and can you help me with removing the underline from usernames that's not working
And need help making this text white
I just got this new theme and it has a few problems.
And need help making this text white
- Code:
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I just got this new theme and it has a few problems.
Raze- Forumember
- Posts : 406
Reputation : 12
Language : English, HTML, CSS
Re: Invision Drop down. and other help.
not sure, i have to go to your site and see first.
info added
where is this drop down menue suposed to come in play at?
I dont see anything but multi forums set up?
this is the site right?
info added
where is this drop down menue suposed to come in play at?
I dont see anything but multi forums set up?
this is the site right?
kirk- Forumaster
- Posts : 11037
Reputation : 653
Language : English,Vulcan,Klingon, Romulan,& Gorn
Re: Invision Drop down. and other help.
Yes that is the website and I found another problem
the subforums
the subforums are at the bottom can i move them to the top?
the subforums
the subforums are at the bottom can i move them to the top?
Raze- Forumember
- Posts : 406
Reputation : 12
Language : English, HTML, CSS
Re: Invision Drop down. and other help.
well one thing at a time, i dont even know where the drop down menue is?
what happened to it,from that screen shot i cant really see where it is.
what happened to it,from that screen shot i cant really see where it is.
kirk- Forumaster
- Posts : 11037
Reputation : 653
Language : English,Vulcan,Klingon, Romulan,& Gorn
Re: Invision Drop down. and other help.
It's in the forums in topics from user's postkirk wrote:well one thing at a time, i dont even know where the drop down menue is?
what happened to it,from that screen shot i cant really see where it is.
Raze- Forumember
- Posts : 406
Reputation : 12
Language : English, HTML, CSS
Re: Invision Drop down. and other help.
This is something easy to try this
add to css
Can not !the subforums are at the bottom can i move them to the top?
By code I'm guessing you mean CSS that's the only code I got and can you help me with removing the underline from usernames that's not working
This is something easy to try this
add to css
- Code:
text-decoration: none;
text-decoration: none;
text-decoration: none;
text-decoration: none;
Where is this thing !!
And need help making this text white
Re: Invision Drop down. and other help.
Ok under lines are gone now thank you.
"And need help making this text white"
Thats in profile and also when you go to search its black too and for members search
And are you sure the subforums can't be added to top?
Ok under lines are gone now thank you.
"And need help making this text white"
Thats in profile and also when you go to search its black too and for members search
And are you sure the subforums can't be added to top?
Raze- Forumember
- Posts : 406
Reputation : 12
Language : English, HTML, CSS
Raze- Forumember
- Posts : 406
Reputation : 12
Language : English, HTML, CSS
Re: Invision Drop down. and other help.
Er, um, the subforum list can be moved to the top on IPB2/Invision boards. Just add the following to the description of a subforum:
- Code:
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
jQuery(function() {
var x = document.getElementById('navstrip').nextSibling;
x.parentNode.insertBefore(jQuery('.empty-clear + .borderwrap')[1], x);
- Code:
.popupmenu ul li a.profile-icon{float:none!important}
Guest- Guest
Re: Invision Drop down. and other help.
Yes thank you dion
Now I just need help editting the text to white when you're typing
it comes out white in the areas for like post and profile when you save it or post it
when you're typing its black
Now I just need help editting the text to white when you're typing
it comes out white in the areas for like post and profile when you save it or post it
when you're typing its black
Raze- Forumember
- Posts : 406
Reputation : 12
Language : English, HTML, CSS
Re: Invision Drop down. and other help.
Where is that text found?
Try adding this to CSS.
Try adding this to CSS.
- Code:
.ipbform2 dl dd input {
color: white;
Nera.- Energetic
- Posts : 7078
Reputation : 2017
Language : English
Location : -
Re: Invision Drop down. and other help.
Yes thanks this thread is solvedNera. wrote:Where is that text found?
Try adding this to CSS.
- Code:
.ipbform2 dl dd input {
color: white;
Raze- Forumember
- Posts : 406
Reputation : 12
Language : English, HTML, CSS
Re: Invision Drop down. and other help.
Solved > Locked
Solved > Locked
Nera.- Energetic
- Posts : 7078
Reputation : 2017
Language : English
Location : -
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