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Moving Navigation Menu to Center of Page

Hello! I've been working on coding my first site and after installing a skin from Hitskin, I began to edit my own images and format into the site. Recently, however, the navigation menu moved off-center and I was wondering if I did something wrong or incorrectly formatted something. I would really appreciate any help because I've tried a few things to no avail and as this is my first site I'm very lost. Thank you!

Problem: Navigation Menu Off-Center
Original Hitskin:
CSS Coding: 
I've mostly been trying things with #navigation but I returned it to how it was orignally set:
by LiquidSilverAce
on September 8th 2015, 1:56 am
Search in: Scripts Problems Archives
Topic: Moving Navigation Menu to Center of Page
Replies: 3
Views: 5247

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