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Post by Derri May 8th 2012, 11:49 pm

Can I change the option in the admin panel so that when new members join, the visitor message setting is already active and they can receive visitor messages?

Male Posts : 8755
Reputation : 638
Language : English & Basic French
Location : Scotland, United Kingdom

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Visitor Message. Empty Re: Visitor Message.

Post by Ape May 8th 2012, 11:53 pm

No sorry there is not setting in the ACP thatmakes it set to yes by default


Male Posts : 19209
Reputation : 1998
Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

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Visitor Message. Empty Re: Visitor Message.

Post by Derri May 9th 2012, 12:03 am

Okay I just find the lack of way to communicate in the forums effectively to be rather disappointing. For example we have 25 post limit to stop spam and potentially inappropriate actions by new members. Since there is no option to allow them to pm moderators or admins. I though communication via VMs would be much better in the meantime.

I feel like these bored however good they are (yes they are very good) were made with half thinking. I mean why is there no option for new members to be able to pm staff members while still keeping the chances of inappropriateness or spam down?

That's all I am saying.

Can anyone suggest an effective alternative?

Male Posts : 8755
Reputation : 638
Language : English & Basic French
Location : Scotland, United Kingdom

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Visitor Message. Empty Re: Visitor Message.

Post by Ape May 9th 2012, 1:19 am

can change the pm to some thing like 2 posts in the forum before they can pm like i have on my forum i also have a free chat room from a free to all chat room and no need to make your members make an account but to make them staff they will have to make one for the chat servers.

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Male Posts : 19209
Reputation : 1998
Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

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