Hide chat/Ban all users chat (except Admin/Mods/Group) Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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    Hide chat/Ban all users chat (except Admin/Mods/Group)


    Male Posts : 989
    Reputation : 38
    Language : English|CSS|HTML5|javascript|
    Location : New York

    Solved Hide chat/Ban all users chat (except Admin/Mods/Group)

    Post by nextlevelgaming October 26th 2012, 2:32 am

    Hey guys any way to hide the chat from all users except The Admin/Moderators/certain Group? I know if I go to chat /ban USERNAME it'll ban them, but I'd rather ban them from the get go and unban them when they get into the group I specify. I don't mind manually unbanning them but banning may take some time...

    Male Posts : 989
    Reputation : 38
    Language : English|CSS|HTML5|javascript|
    Location : New York

    Solved Re: Hide chat/Ban all users chat (except Admin/Mods/Group)

    Post by nextlevelgaming October 26th 2012, 2:44 am

    Oh I know that sense its what created with php correct? So I guess I'll have to ban all manually hahaha. Oh boy. Well thanks Rideem, you can close er off