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Scaling Widget Background Image Based on Widget Size/User Resolution

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Solved Scaling Widget Background Image Based on Widget Size/User Resolution

Post by Alaskamo 23/12/2013, 01:19

Nevermind, of course I find it just after posting haha

For any who are looking for this in the future... this helped me!

I'm trying to put together a small widget that would essentially hold a single image. The widget's column's width is set to 85% of the page.  Is there a way I can have the image be scaled based on what the width of the widget is on any given user's screen is?

For example, on User A's screen the widget is 1000px wide so the image is scaled so that it is (1000 x Y), and on User B's screen the widget is 850px wide so the image is scaled on User B's screen to be (850 x Y).

Thanks for any help! Smile
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Solved Re: Scaling Widget Background Image Based on Widget Size/User Resolution

Post by Jophy 23/12/2013, 05:27

Since this topic was marked solved, this topic is moved.

Thank you for sharing the answer. Wink

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