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Remove messages of a member

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Tutorial Remove messages of a member

Post by Shadow July 30th 2014, 10:46 am

Remove messages of a member

If you want to delete messages of a member, you have to remove them one by one.

This trick allows you to add a HTML page on which you just have to indicate the member's username so that all messages be deleted.

How to set up?

Go here Admin Panel >>Modules>> HTML pages management>> Create a new HTML page

<script> var version_forum=0 </script>

<script>function killall(c,a,b){c=c.replace(/(^\s*|\s*$)/g,"");var e=["#page-body span.postdetails b a","#main-content .search .postbody h2.h3 a","#main-content .posthead h2 a","#main-content .postbody-head h3 a"][version_forum];a=a||0;b=b||9E15;$.get("/spa/"+encodeURIComponent(c),function(d){var i=1;d=$(e,d).filter(function(){return/^\/t[1-9][0-9]*(p[1-9][0-9]*)?-[^#]*#[1-9][0-9]*$/.test($(this).attr("href"))}).each(function(){var a=+$(this).attr("href").substr($(this).attr("href").indexOf("#")+1);if(a>b){return b=0,!1}i++;b=a;var x=b;setTimeout(function(){$.post("/post","p="+x+"&mode=delete&confirm=1")},400*i)}).length;a+=d;b?0==d?0==a?alert("No messages to delete"):alert(a+" message"+(1<a?"s":"")+" of "+c+" deleted"):setTimeout(function(){killall(c,a,b)},500+d*500):alert("You do not have permission to use this tool")})};</script>
<input /><input type="button" onclick="killall(this.previousSibling.value)" value="Delete all messages" />

Depending on the forum version, you must change the 0 of  version_forum=0  by:

  • 0 => phpbb2
  • 1 => phpbb3
  • 2 => punbb
  • 3 => invision


Male Posts : 16208
Reputation : 1832
Language : French, English

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Tutorial Re: Remove messages of a member

Post by Ape December 19th 2014, 3:55 am

Just a little update to this thread if your members are deleted but you still have there posts as a Guest there threads and posts can not be removed under the name Guest you will have to remove them by hand one by one we are sorry about this.


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Male Posts : 19468
Reputation : 2012
Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

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