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Usergroups - how to override Auto-Subscribe for individual members?

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In progress Usergroups - how to override Auto-Subscribe for individual members?

Post by SophieDophs March 8th 2015, 11:01 pm

I have a specific usergroup that members are auto subscribed to.

The rules for this group are:

1. They have to have over 50+ posts
2. And they also have to be a member of our forum for 30 days or more.

Previously I used to manually add members to this usergroup but auto subscribing has done away with this need.

However, we have one new member who has been turbo posting on the forum and within 3 days she has racked up nearly 60 posts!  Even so, she still doesn't meet the 30 day requirement.

(Most members take weeks to get to 50 posts!)

So, I have deleted her from the group for now.  But, the system keeps auto subscribing her, even though I have manually taken her out of that group.

How can I override the auto subscribe for individual members without removing that function completely from that specific usergroup?  

Any ideas?

Female Posts : 375
Reputation : 3
Language : English

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In progress Re: Usergroups - how to override Auto-Subscribe for individual members?

Post by Derri March 9th 2015, 12:01 am


The bottom line is that you can't I'm afraid because each time she posts it senses she's got 50+ posts and therefore adds her to that group.

Male Posts : 8711
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Language : English & Basic French
Location : Scotland, United Kingdom

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In progress Re: Usergroups - how to override Auto-Subscribe for individual members?

Post by SophieDophs March 9th 2015, 12:43 am

It is also re-adding members who have long been deactivated.  It doesn't seem to recognise only active members.

Thanks anyway, Derri.  I have decided to turn off this feature as I need to have more control over who joins certain usergroups on my forum.

Female Posts : 375
Reputation : 3
Language : English

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In progress Re: Usergroups - how to override Auto-Subscribe for individual members?

Post by Derri March 9th 2015, 2:53 am

Sorry I couldn't be of more use.

Can I mark this question solved then?

Male Posts : 8711
Reputation : 638
Language : English & Basic French
Location : Scotland, United Kingdom

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